Any updates on this? I really love this package!
My experience is that my game runs fine after deleting the problem class file, so I created two seperate Effects folders in my jsgme, one with the file, and one without, which I can activate at a click, depending on whether I decide to go dogfighting or ground-pounding.
SkyHigh, have you found any lingering negative effects from deleting this class file at this point?
redwolf, when I went back again to folder with the classfile deleted, I found that my game ctd'ed, so I think it is best to just forget what I said, I must have been confusing myself, don't know really. Sorry. If it's any help, I am now using Jagdwaffe's original Plutonium effects adaptation, combined with PAL smoke-trails, CY6 napalm, J-Cat's effects, Mid-Air-Smoke mod, Ricochet mod, Smokes mod and Additional Plutonium effects mod, all placed in alphabetical order in my 4.11 mods folder, before Jagdwaffe's Plutonium. All works very well, and I seem to have tanks. That's all I can say.