The Yoxford Boys
For DBW1.6 and UP3.0RC4 This campaign should work with DBW1.7 I haven't tested it yet, so let me know either way.
Download it here: 357th Fighter group. One of the most successful Fighter Groups to operate P-51s. It's also noteworthy that they exclusively operated P-51s and never transitioned to or from another fighter type while serving in the 8th AF.
In this campaign you will fly 18 historic missions. 4 missions in the P-51C and the rest in the P-51D. The dates, times, mission routes, opposition, and many other details are as close as I could get them based on a lot of research and within the constraints of the maps. The main non-historic aspect of the missions is the length/duration and the number of planes. Most of the missions take 1-2 hours to complete and are flown on the "Westfront44" map created by GilB57. The other missions are flown on the "Channel Summer 43-45" map created by Canon. The number of planes has been reduced from historic levels in order for your computer to be able to handle it.
You will be the leader of the 357th on each mission and so this campaign will really test your airmanship. As the leader of each mission, you will be responsible for assembling the group after take off, navigation, finding the bombers to escort, finding ground targets if applicable and finding your way home. You must select the highest rank (Colonel) for your pilot in order to make the missions work properly.
The missions are based primarily on the experiences of 4 prominent Aces of the 357th. Richard Peterson, Leonard "Kit" Carson, John England and Clarence "Bud" Anderson.
This campaign should really give you an authentic feel for 8th AF escort missions without having to fly for 5 to 6 hours. There are also plenty of ground targets for strafing on most missions so good luck and good shooting.
References include: "To War with the Yoxford Boys" by Merle Olmsted, "Pursue and Destroy" by Leonard 'Kit' Carson, Combat reports from here: and many other books, articles, etc.
Skin credits:
P-51 - Most of them are from TFS-9, his excellent Yoxford Boys collection found here: other P-51s - by Goodwood and Emel
P-47 - EoW WhamO
P-38 - DKoor
Bf-109 - CptFarrel, Canon
Fw190 - CptFarrel, blauhimmel, vpmedia
Me262 - Emel, Aero_Shodanjo