Try using one of the mechanized AAA guns for the A2A missile, like the ZSU, or Crusader, GAZ AAA, Correlian, Werblewind...sp.... something with a traversing turret. IF IT's Possible.
nice gun mod... your Sidewinder dude would get fried though... screen should go black when he fires it.... suicide MANPAD!................ ???
Actually it is possible, I tried using the 85mm body for a mod, and it goes as far as showing in the arming window, however, a savvy 3D artist would have to create the correct Hier.him files to make it work. It is not as easy as just assigning one of the land models... it has to have the minimum features of a plane (at least the types of meshes expected, and the "him" file to tell IL-2 how to attach them... so for example, for flak the hierarchy file would have to assigin the correct nomenclature to the moving parts, assigining the weapon attachment point to the cannon, etc...)
But yes, this is just an experimental thing. No one wants a mouthfull of rocket fire...
Still this is fun even with the small caliber guns... say, a mission in which you drive around and you have to protect yourself from ambushing artillery, or you happen to sneak up behind a convoy... I have designed a few of these missions. It gets crazy around mountains thoug... eventually the Jeep will stop and slide backwards if it is too steep.