just because the F-5 never fought the mig it doesnt mean it isnt its rival. it was the allied equivillant of the migWhy not... BAé Lightning this plane is a real beauty !
i agree it would be cool to see a plane that can supercruise in il2
Have to disagree bro. I mean as far as performance goes sure, they are damn close.
In reality however the Phantom is the western equivalent to the Mig in terms of deployment. Two very different fighters but they were each their sides primary fighter aircraft, and operated in larger numbers than any other front line fighter for their respective sides.
They had migs pointing at Eurpoe, and we had Phantoms pointing right back. The F-5's were what the Phantom drivers trained against.
Now if you want to model some secondary/third world conflict then sure, the F-5 would be perfect. And Ive got nothing against the F-5, but it wasn't ever the single mainstay fighter of the west against the forces of evil, as the phantom was.