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Author Topic: DBW 1.71 Superpack Q & A Thread  (Read 78828 times)

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Re: DBW 1.71 Superpack Q & A Thread
« Reply #24 on: February 11, 2012, 11:08:47 AM »

Hi guys,

Okay so I followed your advice HundertzehnGustav and it kind of worked but not entirely.

First and foremost, I reinstalled the game from steam and its version upon fresh install is 4.09.

I downloaded patch 4.10 and then patch 4.101 (I couldn't find a standalone 4.101 patch) and installed them in order.

Once I did that, I redid everything I did before and enabled UP3 (with rc4 installed and everything) in JSGME and it worked!

No problems there, the game loaded fine and UP3 was working.

Then I put in the DBW files and disabled all the UP3 mods in JSGME and only activated DBW (wanted to see if that one simply worked).

Now when I load up the game it gets to 95% loading and freezes, if I press any key on the keyboard it crashes to desktop and gives me the error message "Il-2 6D0F/TIR Enabled Executable for modded Il-2 Sturmovik 1946 is not responding" giving me the option to close or wait until it responds.

I know that 6DOF/TIR is for TrackIR but I don't have that on my computer....

Any help would be very much appreciated! I'm almost there lol

Thank you


Oh and I get the same message if I try activating DBW 1916 only or DBW with mouse 6DOF mod or any other DBW related mod.

When I'm loading the game, in the corner it says version 4.101m is that correct or is there a 4.101 and 4.101m? the zip for the patch did not include m in its filename...


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Re: DBW 1.71 Superpack Q & A Thread
« Reply #25 on: February 11, 2012, 12:07:10 PM »

ah here goes combine again...
Thanks for checking in and taking the time to reply!

okay. Hmm.

Lets start:

Okay, you say you have disabled the UP3 mods in JSGME.

The 95% Crash:
a 95 percent crash, i sniff that out as the following:
you have disabled the UP3 mods, but have left UP3 (#UP#_Enable_UP3.0) active.
It is still written on the right side... right?

People regularly make that mistake, thinking that the whole setup is built like a House:

Top floor =DBW
Middle Floor =UP3
ground floor= 4.101

From the "Data and Files" Stucture, it indeed is.
But from the activation and stuff, To reach the DBW level and get that thing running, UP3 must be DIS-abled in JSGME.
I think the DBW guys have put in an elevator somewhere. and no exit on the middle floor

So what my Gut tells me:

Make some coffee.

Lets go back and remove everything from JSGME.
Then , in the Game selector, run a 4.101 standard game
(there is only one 4.101 - no "m")
That should run.
If it does... backup.

in JSGME, Enable the UP3 (#UP#_Enable_UP3.0)
In the selector, chose UP3
That should Run.
If it does, and you have a minute to spare, and a couple of Gigabytes on the HDD... "backup" (yea people hate me for that.)

Remove anything UP3related from JSGME
Chose DBW in the selector:

*crossing fingers, anxiously waiting*


(anyone else reading this and discovering i am talking BS, please tell me - )


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Re: DBW 1.71 Superpack Q & A Thread
« Reply #26 on: February 11, 2012, 12:49:06 PM »

Hi HundertzehnGustav,

Thank you for your patience. I know it can be annoying helping out people with common problems but hopefully this will help out other people who end up here by searching on google.

Here is what is in my Il-2 steam folder in case it helps : http://imgur.com/KpFsM  (Originally the #DBW and #DBW_1916 were located outside of the jsgme folder (in its original state from the downloaded archive) but I figured you had to put them in the jsgme folder to be able to activate them)

Here is what my jsgme looks like when trying to run DBW : http://imgur.com/xiDwl

So no I haven't forgotten to disable #UP#_Enable_UP3.0 ..... and yeah it does absolutely say ver.4.101m in the bottom left hand corner when loading before it gets stuck at 95%.



Okay HundertzehnGustav I figured out what the problem was. So I suppose I was never supposed to take the #DBW and #DBW 1916 folders and move them into JSGME folder. I also suppose I wasn't supposed to activate #DBW in JSGME But simply run Dark Blue World from the Il-2 selector.

It works, it loaded everything and its working!

http://imgur.com/Wwq3O = This was the splash screen I was getting when trying to run DBW in JSGME and you see theres a m next to 1.101 but now that I loaded DBW properly i see that its not the same splash screen at all.

Look HundertzehnGustav, I need to thank you for your patience in dealing with me and for being so helpful, truly its people like you that make internet forums so great. Now I can enjoy this game (I used to play default Il-2 back when it was released for days and days on end, but recently stopped playing SIMS and started getting back into them when I learned about Rise of Flight (amazing, but im sure you've played it) and when I saw there were mods for IL-2 I decided to try getting 1946 since it was so cheap, these games are truly amazing).

Thank you !!!!

Best regards,

From the annoying forum newb,




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Re: DBW 1.71 Superpack Q & A Thread
« Reply #27 on: February 11, 2012, 01:09:37 PM »

Geee, WTF did you do!
Moving the DBW folder ...
aaargh! i would have slapped you on the wrist and mouse , had i been present.
well, i was wrong with my diagnostics.
Lesson for you: trust the Installation instructions.

Its been a while since i cared to look at the 4.101/4.101m screen very carefully. i stand corrected.
ROF? Not my cup of tea... these canvas - covered flying shoeboxes are nothing for me. i need retracting gears, a pair of Cannons and a set of Rockets to have fun.

Okay, now get cracking. dont come back here before having logged at least an entire flying hour!

Glad its sorted!


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Re: DBW 1.71 Superpack Q & A Thread
« Reply #28 on: February 16, 2012, 10:52:08 PM »

How do you unpack the files  ??? I've tried WinRaR and 7zip to no avail. I get a "unspecified error" every time :(


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Re: DBW 1.71 Superpack Q & A Thread
« Reply #29 on: February 16, 2012, 11:47:18 PM »

How do you unpack the files  ??? I've tried WinRaR and 7zip to no avail. I get a "unspecified error" every time :(

you have to have all 4 archives in one folder.

then open only DBW_1.71_SuperInstall.7z.001 with 7zip. It will then look for and open the other 3 also.


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Re: DBW 1.71 Superpack Q & A Thread
« Reply #30 on: February 17, 2012, 01:48:18 AM »

I installed the Superpack over a working DBW 1.5 install but got a few problems
This mission makes my game CTD right after I take off from the carrier. It worked fine in 1.5.
Maybe the flight of F-4E's I added is the cause of the problem?

The other thing is that I was unable to load the WW1 maps when using DBW 1916, 1.71 version, it could not find the map_h.tga (they loaded ok in normal DBW 1.71 but not when DBW 1916  was selected) so I assume that something went wrong during install but not sure what.

Edit: I've run the classcheck.exe and this is what I got as the result, so the only conflicting mod is the old zero patch:

   CRC -8f7e651 :   .\00_A6M back to stock 3d patch for UP3\3DO\5E84A276CCC34524

8EA342589DCDB80A exists with :
   CRC -42c89d3e :   .\00_A6M back to stock 3d patch for UP3\8EA342589DCDB80A

   CRC 197834bc :   .\XTD\8EA342589DCDB80A

   CRC 5a30839e :   .\00_A6M back to stock 3d patch for UP3\3DO\8EA342589DCDB80A

9114135C6F625A00 exists with :
   CRC -31d21a7 :   .\XTD\9114135C6F625A00

   CRC 62b5e137 :   .\0_A6M back to stock 3d for UP3 complement\9114135C6F625A00

423F898E5045A5C8 exists with :
   CRC -2b203e6e :   .\XTD\423F898E5045A5C8

   CRC -1b870b9d :   .\00_A6M back to stock 3d patch for UP3\423F898E5045A5C8

   CRC 2135bd2d :   .\00_A6M back to stock 3d patch for UP3\3DO\423F898E5045A5C8

A7D3D7201A9F3528 exists with :
   CRC -7932b627 :   .\XTD\A7D3D7201A9F3528

   CRC 149f8225 :   .\0_A6M back to stock 3d for UP3 complement\A7D3D7201A9F3528

7142FCCEDDCAB3A6 exists with :
   CRC 5acf0ac1 :   .\0_A6M back to stock 3d for UP3 complement\7142FCCEDDCAB3A6

   CRC 3dd95162 :   .\XTD\7142FCCEDDCAB3A6

A908D540E22DB9D8 exists with :
   CRC 77d3abf2 :   .\XTD\A908D540E22DB9D8

   CRC -30648743 :   .\_Smoketrails for Mg17,131.Browning303\A908D540E22DB9D8

DF4A2A480FDF6280 exists with :
   CRC 3d9a6d89 :   .\XTD\DF4A2A480FDF6280

   CRC 42af35b3 :   .\_Smoketrails for Mg17,131.Browning303\DF4A2A480FDF6280

A6F0A6B24336A8D4 exists with :
   CRC -195b6c9f :   .\00_A6M back to stock 3d patch for UP3\3DO\A6F0A6B24336A8D4

   CRC 414956a2 :   .\00_A6M back to stock 3d patch for UP3\A6F0A6B24336A8D4

   CRC -1e5403d6 :   .\XTD\A6F0A6B24336A8D4

9C5A522629B2A396 exists with :
   CRC -13d04c00 :   .\00_A6M back to stock 3d patch for UP3\9C5A522629B2A396

   CRC 7fa08395 :   .\00_A6M back to stock 3d patch for UP3\3DO\9C5A522629B2A396

   CRC -189fb56b :   .\XTD\9C5A522629B2A396

C96057821B1DEA02 exists with :
   CRC   838028 :   .\00_A6M back to stock 3d patch for UP3\C96057821B1DEA02

   CRC 350b3123 :   .\XTD\C96057821B1DEA02

   CRC -810c29c :   .\00_A6M back to stock 3d patch for UP3\3DO\C96057821B1DEA02

List of simple doublon : classes with the same name and content
   .\0_A6M back to stock 3d for UP3 complement\2AA72F1C2667CF8C
   .\0_A6M back to stock 3d for UP3 complement\B860A6BAF22896A0
   .\0_A6M back to stock 3d for UP3 complement\569A7516D3E2D4C2
   .\0_A6M back to stock 3d for UP3 complement\98CE833CD857741A
   .\0_A6M back to stock 3d for UP3 complement\DC29DDECEA4E8F36
   .\0_A6M back to stock 3d for UP3 complement\628D9DE010669A2E


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Re: DBW 1.71 Superpack Q & A Thread
« Reply #31 on: February 18, 2012, 06:22:46 AM »

USSIntrepidCV11_1944 seems to be the problem, I tried stock carriers and they dont CTD


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Re: DBW 1.71 Superpack Q & A Thread
« Reply #32 on: February 18, 2012, 09:18:28 AM »

Does 4.11 work with 1.71?


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Re: DBW 1.71 Superpack Q & A Thread
« Reply #33 on: February 18, 2012, 11:22:19 AM »

No. See Installation requirements.
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: DBW 1.71 Superpack Q & A Thread
« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2012, 10:21:17 PM »

thanks mate, your help is much appreciated! :)


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Re: DBW 1.71 Superpack Q & A Thread
« Reply #35 on: February 21, 2012, 07:05:19 AM »

Why i am can't open superpack archive with 7zip, when i am DBW_1.71_SuperInstall.7z.001 rename to DBW_1.71_SuperInstall.7z ? :) Help me!
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