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Author Topic: mission randomization  (Read 1706 times)

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mission randomization
« on: February 12, 2012, 12:16:11 PM »

I am trying to lear how to "randomize" things in a mission... I found this "explanation" on the web... but I am having problems understanding what it means, and the website where the full explanation was, is no longer active. Can someone help me decipher this? Specifically, what file are they refering too, where one puts a line with all the mission names for the game to randomly choose one of the missions... thanks!

One way to create random occurances is to put a bunch of variations of the same mission on the same line in the file. By listing the same name with a different number for each variation (on the same line), the computer will pick one of the variations of that mission


Bf-109Career_01001 Bf-109Career_01002 Bf-109Career_01003 Bf-109Career_01004 (You chose the name when you make the mission or career)

You can have as many mission variations as you like for each line and continue past the tab further down as long as it is uninterrupted for each mission line.

The computer will pick one of the variations of the mission at random.


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Re: mission randomization
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2012, 05:43:39 PM »

Thank you very much KiwiBiggles!!! I think I found the tutorial for it by Flying Nutcases using the Wayback Machine.

if anyone is interested here it is: 


Thanks again!  ;D


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Re: mission randomization
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2012, 07:13:50 PM »

An additional option would be the mission randomizers from Command&Control v2 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,16973.0.html).


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Re: mission randomization
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2012, 10:27:12 PM »

Oooookkk... so I read the tutorial, followed the steps, and I am happy to report it works great!

I am using DBW 1.7, and a few mods like Command and Control v2.

I made a mission with 3 alternatives, each with a single enemy flight group starting at different places in the map; Groups A, B, and C. The first time I tried the mission group A was flying where it was supposed to be, but no sight of group B or group C. I restarted the mission and this time I got group C, without group A or B. So it seems to work. I'll try a few more times with a few more setups and let you guys know how it goes, but it seems to work.

Setting it up is a bit of a headache... one has to pay attention to doing the campaign folder right. After that, it is a matter of going to the career screen, starting the mission/mini-campaign, and after finishing, starting a new one for the next mission, ect. I think one can not hit refly if one wants a different alternate setup. The game starts you on the same mission/alternative you previously flew. One has to go back to the campaign selection screen and reselect the mission... and also redo whatever difficulty settings one wants in the mission. But I could be wrong on this.

Since there is the potential of it becoming a bit chaotic, I figure out a simple scheme to organize the missions. For example, I will be making a set of 15 missions flying the P-47D from Okinawa to raid and raise some mayhem in the shores of Japan. I set it up inside the US campaign folder, where I make a folder called P47-CAS-01_15_45_Ryuku as my mission folder (for the first mission, for example). This is a CAS mission for the P47 happening on Jan 15 1945 in the Ryuku Island Chains map I made. Each mission will follow this set up: P-47-CAS-01_18_45_Ryuku, P-47-CAP-03-23-45_Ryuku, ect... so all I have to do is go to the campaign selection screen, start the mission/campaign and off I go. After I am done, I get my results, write them down on my logbook, and erase the campaign from the career screen and I am ready to go for another mission.

If anyone is interested I'll upload the map and the missions once they are done.

About Command Control: The "problem" I have with C&C random objects is that you can only assign one type of random object per army... I could be wrong on this one. For example, you can only use one randomplane2 for the blue army.... but what if I want a group of enemies that will be 50% of the time appearing at mission start, and a second group that will appear 50% of the time 45 minutes after mission start?

I am not complaining about C&C. It is an amazing mod! And now, when combining the random objects with this new way to make random missions, one can truly make missions that for all purposes "will catch you with your pants down". For example, using the test mission I mentioned earlier, each group (A,B,C) can also be given a randomplane object and a secondary support group... you can have group A1 that will come from, say, North 4000ft and group A2 (with a randomplane2) will come 10 minutes later to give some support from the East to flank you... or maybe not, A1 will not get anyone coming to help 50% of the time. The possibilities are endless.

Hope any of this helps... and thanks for everyone that helped me!
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