I have a funny story from Robert T. Sand about a P-38 relief tube incident. Robert Sand was a ground crewman in the propeller shop with the 55th Fighter Group during the war. This is quoted from his book World War II Fighters.
When P-38s were pioneering the long distance fighter sweeps, of course the kidneys didn't stop working on these many hour long flights, so Lockheed included a urinal dubbed a relief tube. This consisted of a stiff, cylindrical tube of black rubber, designed to fit the average pilot. From this a smaller flexible tube led to the underside trailing edge of the wing. There it exited into a little fairing with an opening of a couple of square inches facing away from the slipstream, hence causing a vacuum to evacuate the tube. Evidently the designer had not flight tested it.
After one of these grueling missions, a very tired pilot dragged himself out of the plane, saying to his crew chief, "Causey, can't you do something about this relief tube? I had to take a leak and it came back and soaked my pants and made a helluva mess!"
The pilot stalked wearily to the jeep, leaving the crew chief scratching his head. After giving it a good think, he went to the engineering shack, got a piece of sheet aluminum, some snips, a drill and some rivets. He then fashioned a sort of reverse scoop like half of a funnel, and attached it in place of the former tiny one. The new one was like four or five inches across at the large end facing to the rear.
"This should solve the problem," he mused, then forgot all about it.
When the pilot returned from the next mission, the crew chief raised the canopy and started releasing the pilot's harness, to be greeted with, "Causey, what in hell did you do to that relief tube? When I had to take a leak I got the damn thing within 6 inches of my peter, and Whap!, it popped right in, and when I finished I thought I'd never get it out again!"
So we all made special trips to see this engineering marvel. We noted, though, that no other pilots requested this modification. The poor crew chief never did get a medal for innovation.
Nice job on dressing up the pit Congo. It's all in the details.