If anyone is interested,this beast drops right into SAS game structure.It uses the P-63 FM.
MOD J7W1 by Kodama posted on AAS at:
Basicaly,you all have been flying P63 until now...this is my interpretation of this plane's fm,for those that want to try it.

So,according to IL2,Shinden needs long runways,has medium acceleration and it's a bit tricky in tight turns.It has good climb,0-6000m time should be around 6min (estimate,didn't actualy measure).
I'm not realy sure how effective rudder should be...here we have two tiny rudders moving heaviest part of the plane.Judging by the model it has smaller elevators that Fw190 (they have comparable weights,Shinden is just a bit heavier)..plus they have to move four cannons with ammo in the nose,so I suspect that pitch control and response was not stellar.
Overall,it kicks ass
New J7W1 fmThis is just an update,so backup classes of your J7W1 and replace them with the ones in this zip file.DiffFM is included...and it works in UP2.0..
Mr Kodama has provided some info,like correct SL speed,supercharger etc...so this is final version from me,consider it as a stopgap untill Kodama releases an official fm for this plane.