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Author Topic: The Correct Skins for A6M Zeros in DBW / UP3 / CUP / HSFX / TFM-412  (Read 26954 times)

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Dark Blue World / Ultra Pack 3 / CUP / HSFX / TFM-412    A6M Zeros (JapanCat's Zeros)

I've noticed that many people don't know where to find skins for JapanCat's new and much improved A6M Zeros that came with UP3 / DBW / TFM-412 / HSFX / CUP.
Many people that have UP3 / DBW also don't realize that they already have JapanCat's Zeros, which is why they download the wrong skins.
So, I've added these links to skins made for the new Zeros in the hope that it will help you guys.
A big thank you goes out to all the various skin authors, who are listed on their respective download pages and on the skins themselves, especially eMeL, RDDR, Harpia_Mafra55, Rookie, Gumpy, Sakai and 200th_Sakagawa, who made most of these wonderful skins. Thank you all!  :)
And a big thank you goes to JapanCat for his excellent work on improving the Zeros!  :)
If anyone knows of other skins for JapanCat's Zeros, feel free to post links to the skin's page here. Thank you! 

Regarding campaigns... you need to remove all skins for the old Zeros in order to avoid issues with compatibility.

If a skin doesn't work on the new Zeros, it is an old skin and you need to delete it. Don't leave it hovering in your Zero skin folders because it will cause issues.
Needless to say, if you download a campaign / mission that includes skins for the old Zeros, do not install the included skins. The campaign will work perfectly fine with the DBW / UP3 default skins as long as you don't install old skins.
As long as you do this, you won't have any incompatibility problems in campaigns.  ;)

Do NOT install "sasup_fbdsm_06.7z" as found in the "SAS FBDSM Part 6" thread, since "FBDSM Part 6" is only for the old Zeros and it will mess up your default skins.
In my third post on this page I have written a short tutorial on how to create alternative default skins for the new Zeros if you choose to do so.

Also read the following tutorial, if you need to rectify any old campaigns that have markings disabled (with most campaigns this isn't necessary though) :


Please everyone, this is NOT a discussion about the old or new 3d models, just a place to download and discuss skins for the new Zeros. For example, to discuss historical paint schemes of Zeros, or if you're not sure in which folder to place a certain skin.

Here are a number of skin packs for the new Zeros including the A6M2, A6M3, A6M5, A6M7, A6M8 and A6M2-N. The A6M5 skins can also be used for the A6M7, since the only difference is the ejector ports. Be sure to check back periodically to see if new skins have been added to the list. Enjoy!

1) A6M-11 & A6M2-21 skin pack by Rookie:

2) A6M5-52 skin pack by 200th_Sakagawa:

3) A6M3-22 RFM skin pack by 200th_Sakagawa:

4) A6M3-32 skin pack by 200th_Sakagawa:

5) A6M2-21 skin pack by 200th_Sakagawa:

6) A6M3-22 skin pack by 200th_Sakagawa:

7) A6M5-52 skin by Harpia_Mafra55:

8: A6M2-21 skin by Harpia_Mafra55:

9) A6M3-32 skin by Harpia_Mafra55:

10) A6M3-22 skin by Gumpy:

11) JC A6M2-N skins:

12) JC Defaults:

13) RDDR's new A6M skin pack:

14) A6M2-21 3rd Kokutai Philippines-Indonesia-Rabaul 42, skin pack by Sakai:

15) A6M2-21 Tainan Kokutai - Dutch East Indies spring 42, skin pack by Sakai:

16) A6M2-N 452nd Kokutai Aleutian Islands 42-43, skin pack by Sakai:

17) A6M3 22 Zero flown by Hiroyoshi Nishizawa (also includes blank and generic skins), skins by eMeL:

18) A6M5a flown by Sadaaki Akamatsu (also includes blank and generic skins), skins by eMeL:

And for the skin artists...

Emel's excellent new Zero templates:

Here's JapanCat's original A6M2 Void skin:

And JapanCat's A6M Skin Map:

Special announcement:

We now have a whole set of amazing templates for the new Zeros made by Emel!  :)
Emel is one of the very best template makers out there and without his help this would simply not have been possible.
Thank you very much for all your hard work on these beautiful templates Emel! And thank you very much for sharing them with the entire IL2 community!
A big thank you also goes to RDDR who spearheaded this project of getting templates out which everyone will have access to. Thank you very much, RDDR!

Emel's excellent new Zero templates can be found here:

In addition RDDR has released a truly amazing skin pack for the new Zeros using Emel's templates. Thank you very much for all the time you put into these beautiful skins RDDR!
RDDR's beautiful A6M skin pack can be found here:

Skin by RDDR, using eMeL's template:

Skin by RDDR, using eMeL's template:

Skin by RDDR, using eMeL's template:

Skin by RDDR, using eMeL's template:

Skin by RDDR, using eMeL's template:

Skin by Rookie:

Skin by Rookie:

Skin by Rookie:

Skin by Rookie:

Skin by Rookie:

Skin by Rookie:

Blank Skin by Rookie:

Blank Skin by Rookie:

Blank Skin by Rookie:

Blank Skin by Rookie:

A6M2-N skin by Sakai:

Blank Skin by Harpia_Mafra55:

Skin by 200th_Sakagawa:

Skin by Gumpy:

eMeL's Excellent New Templates for JapanCat's A6M Zeros:


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Re: Where to find the correct skins for Zeros in DBW/UP
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2012, 03:34:07 AM »

I split this topic off, after talkign to Yeager. There are many users who still struggle with this issue, and how and where to find the correct skins for the remodelled 3d zeros in DBW and UP. Many do not even know that ALL the zeros in DBW are new mods.

Going back to the old 3d is also not realy a great solution, although it is perfectly understandable that some do. So we make this topic here for now, for people to post and talk about skins and tamplates for the NEW JAPANCAT ZEROS as they are in UP3 and DBW.



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Re: Where to find the correct skins for Zeros in DBW/UP
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2012, 04:06:29 AM »

Going back to the old 3d is also not realy a great solution, although it is perfectly understandable that some do.

How about adding the old Zero 3d models as an option in JSGME in the next version of DBW, this would be a solution for the incompatibility issues with Pacific campaigns/missions that were made for the stock game and use the old skins.


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Re: Where to find the correct skins for Zeros in DBW/UP
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2012, 04:11:46 AM »

Please everyone, this is not a place for discussion about the old or new 3d models, just a place to download and discuss skins and templates for the new Zeros.  ;)

Regarding Campaigns... if you remove your old Zero skins you shouldn't have any problems in Campaigns, since IL2 will fall back on your new default skins. This worked with all the Campaigns I've tested, so there is no reason to have incompatibility problems with the new Zeros. Alternatively you can rename the new skin of your choice to have the same name as the old skin used (strictly for personal use only).


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Re: Where to find the correct skins for Zeros in DBW/UP
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2012, 04:29:21 AM »

this thread is a good idea - thanks, Yeager ;)
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: Where to find the correct skins for Zeros in DBW/UP
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2012, 04:46:44 AM »

I have a question regarding the default skins for the new Zero models. Are there other default skins available somewhere? The ones in UP/DBW have unit markings (the numbers on the tailfin). I prefer default skins without unit markings.


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Re: Where to find the correct skins for Zeros in DBW/UP
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2012, 05:22:35 AM »

I have a question regarding the default skins for the new Zero models. Are there other default skins available somewhere? The ones in UP/DBW have unit markings (the numbers on the tailfin). I prefer default skins without unit markings.

It's easy to make any of these skins your new default skin. There are also a number of skins without markings in the above links, which can be used for this purpose. ;)

Off the top of my head, here's how to make a new default skin... I'll use the A6M2-21 as an example:

Launch IL2 and run QMB. Choose the skin you want to use as your new default in the QMB arming screen.

Minimize IL2 and go to the following directory: \IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\PaintSchemes\Cache\A6M2-21\

There you will find the following four files that have been generated:

For an A6M2-21 summer skin you need to create the following directory structure in your DBW mods folder:

Use A6M2-21(ja) for IJN / IJA skins or A6M2-21(multi1) for other nations than the default nation

Now copy all four these files to the directory \#DBW\new_default_skins\3do\plane\A6M2-21(ja)\summer\

If you've done everything correctly, you will have created the new default skin of your choice. ;)


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Re: Where to find the correct skins for Zeros in DBW/UP
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2012, 05:40:32 AM »

Thanks for the detailed explanation Yeager_1946.


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Re: Where to find the correct skins for Zeros in DBW/UP
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2012, 05:02:49 PM »

if someone wants to have a go at assembling a nice and proper collection of new default skins for the models in DBW, please do so, upload the results for me, and I will see they get in.


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Re: Where to find the correct skins for Zeros in DBW / UP3
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2012, 11:18:28 AM »

Added these wonderful skins and more, by Rookie. Thank you very much, Rookie!


Skin by Rookie:

Skin by Rookie:

Skin by Rookie:

Skin by Rookie:

Skin by Rookie:

Skin by Rookie:

Blank Skin by Rookie:

Blank Skin by Rookie:

Blank Skin by Rookie:

Blank Skin by Rookie:



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Re: Where to find the correct skins for A6M Zeros in DBW / UP3
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2012, 10:25:06 AM »

Just Beautiful.

Thanks for making us aware of Rookie's work.


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Re: The Correct Skins for A6M Zeros in DBW / UP3 / HSFX-5
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2012, 08:22:47 AM »

THANK YOU Mister Yeager_1946 and all the fine Artists-Skinners!
Much appreciated!

Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening ! Welcome to SAS1946
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