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Author Topic: Cant 506 Air seaRescue/Seenotdienst skin !  (Read 11894 times)

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Cant 506 Air seaRescue/Seenotdienst skin !
« on: April 10, 2012, 03:45:39 AM »

Does someone have a skin for this ??


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Re: Cant 506 Air seaRescue/Seenotdienst skin !
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2012, 02:11:13 PM »

Hello Benno, not sure if this is what you want but I have have been looking for info on the Cant to make some skins from a template I'm making, came across your request while browsing here. ;)

The info came from two Black and White photos, not clear enough to give exact location of the wing insignia.

From what little info I have I think the aircraft wore a White colour scheme, any reliable info would be
appreciated, especially a camo plan so I can judge correct location of the insignia.

Codes and insignia have had to be put where the model allows so are not quite where they should be.

Template and skin still WIP.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Cant 506 Air seaRescue/Seenotdienst skin !
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2012, 05:40:33 PM »

Yes, those are the ones Mick, came across the site by accident really but probably the best of the info available on the net. 8)

The three Spanish Nationalist aircraft look especially interesting, guess I'll have to give them a go. ;)

Would be really something to have the aircraft in its civil guise, some superb schemes there eh.  Maybe TD
might give that a go sometime as a further update.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Cant 506 Air seaRescue/Seenotdienst skin !
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2012, 03:18:14 AM »

Hi' Mission_Bug !
Looks great,  dare i hope for a Italian AF one,  i got a nice booklet from Aerofan on the Z 506.
Best wishes


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Re: Cant 506 Air seaRescue/Seenotdienst skin !
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2012, 01:01:23 AM »

Hello benno, the Italian rescue version is on the list if that is what you are refering to. ;)

At the moment I'm trying to find some detail images of the control surfaces to try and figure out how they were constructed.  The skins I already have appear to indicate there was some kind of triangular framework there, possibly covered in fabric, yet descriptions of the aircraft suggest it was predominantly of wooden construction and the photographs of the preserved Italian machine seem to indicate a smooth continuous surface to the control ssurfaces.  Maybe your book has a cut away diagram of the aircraft, if so could you please post an image of it to give me an idea of how to finish the control surfaces.  I have no information at all on this most elegant of aircraft, shame on me. :-[

The Luftwaffe skin is going to have to be uploaded as is if I can't find the info I need.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Cant 506 Air seaRescue/Seenotdienst skin !
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2012, 03:30:02 AM »

Hi Mission_bug
Maybe this will be useful. Am not sure , do you think about this plane?.

Orginal text below pictures:
506 einer deutschen Seenotstaffel in Puntisella (Pola), Kennung Q8+K3

I found this info here:

Seenotstaffel 7

Formed 3.41 in Kiel-Holtenau.

19.8.44 redesignated Seenotstaffel 70.

Subordinated to Seenotzentrale (L) Athen (4.41 - 6.42) and Seenotbereichskommando XI (6.42 - 8.44).

4.41 - 4.42 part of III. Seenotgruppe.

Used the following aircraft: Do 24, Fw 58, He 59, Ju 52, W34 and Cant Z.506

Hptm William Freudenberg, 13.7.42 - ?
Formed 5.41 in Athens-Phaleron as Seenotzentrale (L) Athen.

On 1.6.42 became Seenotbereichskommando XI.

Moved to Iraklion in 1942, but would later return to Athens-Phaleron again.
19.8.44 renamed Stab/Seenotgruppe 70.


Seenotbezirkstelle (L) Suda Bucht [5.41 - 6.42]
Seenotbezirkstelle (L) Derna/Bombabucht [6.41 - 6.42]
Seenotkommando 14 in Pola [6.42 - 9.43 & 4.44 - 8.44]
Seenotkommando 16 in Derna [6.42 - 10.42]
Seenotkommando 17 in Suda Bay [6.42 - 8.44]
Seenotkommando 30 in Ravenna [4.44 - 8.44]
Seenotkommando 35 in Split [10.43 - 8.44]
Seenotstaffel 7 in Athens-Phaleron [5.41 - 8.44]
Seenotflotille 11 in Athens [5.41 - 8.44]
Subordinated to Seenotdienstführer 2 (12.41 - 8.44).

Kiel-Holtenau, 3.41 - 3.41
Schellingwoude, 3.41 - late 3.41
Varna, 4.41 - 22.4.41
Saloniki-Mikra, 22.4.41 - 7.7.41
Athens-Phaleron, 7.7.41 - 19.8.44

Seenotkommando 14
Formed 1.6.42 in Pola.
Disbanded 8.44.
Subordinated to Seenotbereichskommando XI (6.42 - 9.43), Seenotbereichskommando XIV (9.43 - 4.44) and Seenotbereichskommando XI (4.44 - 8.44).

6.42 - 8.44 in Pola

Edit: When i research internet I found that this plane, he was probably belonged to Seenotstaffel 6 or Seenotdienstführer/Lfl. 6

Cant Z.506 Italy Q8+X3 Seenotstaffel 6 or Seenotdienstführer/Lfl. 6
and second
Cant Z.506 Italy Q8+B8 Seenotstaffel 6 or Seenotdienstführer/Lfl. 6
but I didn't found the confirmation.
I apologise for the mistake :-[

Cheers . Piotrek


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Re: Cant 506 Air seaRescue/Seenotdienst skin !
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2012, 07:42:07 AM »

Hello Piotrek1, thank you very much for the information it will be most usefull to anyone building missions for the
Luftwaffe Cants.  8)

From a skinning point of view the two extra codes you give are especially useful, it would be nice to know just
how many CantZ-506s were used for rescue operations and their codes, also whether they used any other colours to the one I've used for the skin.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Cant 506 Air seaRescue/Seenotdienst skin !
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2012, 10:03:32 AM »

Hello Mission_bug
I am pleased that my information was useful.
More info:
Sources differ in quoting the numbers of Z.506s used by the Luftwaffe: from a handful till more than 30 aircraft. And there is very little known of their use within the Luftwaffe. The following information is from AeroFan 80 and will be denoted with quote marks:
"The article indicates that Sonderkommando Gaul 9/XI was responsible for collecting Italian seaplanes, evaluating their condition and transporting usable aircraft to Germany. On November 20, 1943, it was reported that 76 Italian seaplanes had been found at 13 different seaplane bases around Italy. These included: 18 CANT Z 506B, 11 CANT Z 506S, 12 Fiat RS 14, 35 CANT Z 501s.

The CANT Z 506s and Fiat RS 14s were distributed among various Luftwaffe groups including 6 CANT Z 506s which were sent to Seenostaffel 6 and were ferried under the direction of Hauptmann Weiss. 2 more CANT Z 506s were flown to Venice, 7 to Sesto Calende and 6 to Berre (Seenotbeeichskommando XIII and Seenotstaffel 3 under Luftlotte 3.' 2 CANT Z 506s were ferried to Flieger-ErganzungsGruppe (See) in Germany and one CANT Z 506 to Travemunde. An additional 8 Z 506s were delivered to Seenotdienstfuhrer 2 (Sud). The remaining Z 506s were sent to 6th Seenotstaffel under the direction of Captain Hannes Reimer, who was head of seaplane mail delivery.
By several authors these aircraft are reported to be flown by the following units: Seenotdienstführer 2(Sud), Seenotstaffel 6, Hilfsseenotstaffel /Fl.Kp. 11, Hilfsseenotstaffel Sud, Luftflotte 2, Luftflotte 6 and SAGr 125.

Seenotstaffel 6 (K3+..)
Formed 04-1942 from 6/Seenotgruppe
Disbanded 09-1944
Notes This unit also used the Blohm und Voss Bv-138, Cant Z.506, Dornier Do-17, Focke Wulf Fw-58 and Heinkel He-59.

Total of roughly 11,561( Seenotdienst) personnel were saved from the sea -- divided into 7746 Germans and 3815 enemy.
In doing so, they lost 278 dead and 114 missing.

Unfortunately I didn't find other Cant 506 codes used by
Seenotdienst . :(
I wish you good luck with this plan. The skin which you did is beautiful. 8). Sorry for my English


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Re: Cant 506 Air seaRescue/Seenotdienst skin !
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2012, 02:53:33 AM »

Thanks again for the info Piotrek1, the figure for rescued personel both axis and allied is most impressive, just goes to show how valuble the search and rescue service actually was.  The link you give seems to be one of the best sources on the net, I've looked through it several times, but more for the photographs than anything else.  I see some of the info you posted is there including one of the aircraft codes you mentioned in your previous posts, guess I should take time to read things properly instead of just flicking through.

I'm still trying to figure out just how the ailerons and rudder were constructed, one of the illustrations I have shows a triangular pattern on the rudder so I'm trying to replicate that at the moment, once that is done I'll add the other two coded aircraft you listed and upload them.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Cant 506 Air seaRescue/Seenotdienst skin !
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2012, 08:35:21 AM »

You're welcome! .8)
Just in case. ;) Hare is the link ware you can found  6/Seenotstaffel emblem.
Best wishes


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Re: Cant 506 Air seaRescue/Seenotdienst skin !
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2012, 12:31:18 PM »

Hello all, the first two skins I posted images of are now complete I think.

Q8+K3 in reality didn't have the waist gun positions so I've made the code and insignia fit as best as I could. ;)
I can't find anything that would indicate if this machine carried any squadron badges.

Likewise with the hack of He-115 code HE-115, the scheme is also generic rather than the actual pattern.

The only other photograph available of the Luftwaffe rescue machines is a very close in shot of Q8+K3, this
aircraft actually has the waist gun positions and would appear to be wearing a dark upper surface pattern, possibly
the original Italian colours, not sure, all markings here are speculative.  I'm still working on this one.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
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