I was watching some absolutely phenomenal footage of the Iwo
invasion, and the first thing that struck me was the wakes of the
landing craft. This is a low res video, so things are blurred,
but I think it would be nice if a landing in IL-2 looked like
these photos.
Another thing I noticed was the dust cloud that envelopes the
island from the bombardment. And the Battle ship fires a few
rounds from it's big guns, and the smoke from them is huge, and
About the video, wow, starts off with a empty beach front, and
the US sets up, like a board game, and the little blurs carry
their marines to the beach. And you see them returning to the main
fleet to load up more men.
Another link I forgot to make a note of, but if you utube Romano
Archives, you should be able to find this, and a video of the
Normandy invasion.
In retrospect, it makes sense that this would exist, to send back
to Washington, and the Pentagon, to analize, and modify for the
next landings. But I was astonished as this little military
operation played out on my computer screen.
Check these vid's out.
And if some one out there knows how to make these visuals, thank you. If not, games good anyways.