Hi all
Did someone here try to use "Crossfire Extention" tool to force and control Xfire operaton and methods?
I tested the 1.4 version, all methods, AFR, SFR, etc. It even had a profile for IL-2 already. No changes in frame rate, but I didn't need 16XAA enabled for the CrossFire logo to display, like otherwise. I did not test with hardware=0 as any improvement from CrossFire would not be worth the image detail loss.
I did retest with the CPU overclocked, and saw improvement with clocks approaching PA_Willy's 4.15GHz. I haven't gotten around to testing at 4GHz yet though.
PA_Willy Avg: 63 Min: 29 Max: 145 SLI disabled 4X AA 2560x1600
Mine...... Avg: 74 Min: 22 Max: 173 Crossfire disabled 4X AA 1920x1080 3.2GHz
Mine.......Avg: 81 Min: 22 Max: 184 Crossfire disabled no AA 1920x1080 3.2GHz
Mine.......Avg: 82 Min: 24 Max: 180 Crossfire disabled 4X AA 1920x1080 3.6GHz
Mine.......Avg: 88 Min: 27 Max: 206 Crossfire disabled no AA 1920x1080 3.6GHz
Mine.......Avg: 94 Min: 28 Max: 221 Crossfire disabled no AA 1920x1080 3.8GHz
Mine.......Avg: 58 Min: 28 Max: 71 Crossfire disabled no AA 1920x1080 3.8GHz v-sync enabled (my current setup)
The bottom line is the game needs v-sync, doesn't really warrant SLI or CrossFire setups, and really benefits from high CPU clocks the most. A totally expected conclusion for a decade old title...