I know, sorry about getting irritable there, it's just frustrating when your time is as full as mine to have to spend the little time you DO have to yourself trying to fix the one thing you like to do to unwind instead of just doing it! Well, with the testing after mod installation, that's the weird thing, I do do that. I never install Il-2 without checking it each and every time i install a new mod. When I upgraded my graphics drivers to 10.9 from 10.8 (which Il-2 worked great with) I didn't have much time to play, so it hasn't been until now that I got on and figured out it wasn't running well in perfect mode, but then i fiddled around with some settings and got it running again. I don't even know actually what I did, I just messed with turning opengl triple buffering on and off and suddenly it stopped freezing at 100%. then I put in the 10.10 drivers (thanks for that by the way, in spite of the virus issue since that update the only other game i play, STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl has run amazingly well!) and it stopped again, and I put in the different settings that porksmuggler suggested in post 240. i know you said to read through this but to those not as versed in some of this stuff, this is a really hard thread to follow, I mean heck, 2-3 pages of it or so are devoted to issues with the GTX295! Also for a good chunk of it it's devoted to the blocky text issue, which this is not.
The problem is, I really cannot pin down any one thing that might be the problem. Seriously, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. For instance, I set it back to directX, then load it, fly a mission then exit and reset to opengl and perfect (the only way i've found to sort of "recalibrate" it after it starts the 100% crashes, it will not load a mission successfully in perfect mode again until I've done that). Then i'll retry the same setup in QMB that it had crashed at before... and it works... or it doesn't. Then I'll play the game for a while if it does, and it'll suddenly just stop again a few missions later and I have to repeat the process of going back to directx then back to opengl... so not knowing a lot about issues like this and having precious little free time with which to really test this out as I'm currently: scouring sources trying to find the combat report for Oblt Walter Leonhardt during the mission in which he shot down Sqn Ldr Brian J. E. Lane, the famous young commander of No. 19 Sqn during the Battle of Britain (I have the squadron's own report on the loss, but I want to try and find the combat in Leonhardt's own words) compiling a database of Il-2 mod AC service dates and forces they served with, trying to fix il-2's perfect mode, and working on a paper at the same time, or as close to at the same time as possible before i spend tomorrow at work and in class... it gets a little difficult and frustrating... but every setting i have tried that allows it to work in perfect mode has had the same result, it works briefly in Il-2 until it starts crashing and I go back to stock and try again. Then it does work until it jsut stops again. I change nothing from when it starts working in perfect mode to when it stops working. I don't add or remove any mods, I don't change the games graphics settings (apart from the ones I listed) and I don't touch any of my catalyst settings. It works, until it just seems to stop and I have to reset. I'm really not making this up :-S. There's really no discernible pattern to why it keeps crashing like this.