Begginer pilot rules:
1. Take off is optional. Landing is mandatory.
2. If you push the stick, the houses become bigger. If you pull the stick, they become smaller, just if you don't continously pull it until they become bigger again
3. Flying isn't dangerous. Crashing is dangerous.
4. Is better to be on the ground and want to be in the air, than being up there, and want to be on the ground.
5. The only case when you have too much fuel, is when you're in fire.
6. The propellor is just a big fan built to cool down the pilot. When it stops, you can see the pilot sweating
7.When you're in trobule (don't know what to do) keep the altitude, nobody crashed into the sky.
8. A good landing is when you can walk on your own feet after it. A excellent one is that when the aircraft can be used again.
9. Learn from other's mistakes. You won't live to make them all.
10. You can fiind out if you landed upside down if you have to use maximum throttle to get to the hangar.
11. Never let the plane to get you to a place where you never been 5 minutes earlier.
12. The probability of survival is reverse proportionally to the angle of the landing approach. The bigger the angle of approach, the smaller the chance of survival.
13. Stay out of the clouds. The silver line in the front might be a plane going in the opposite direction. The mountains also use to hide in the clouds.
14. Try to keep the ''='' sign between the number of landings and the number of takeoffs.
15. As a begginer you begin hith a bag full with luck and a exeperience empty bag. The trick is to fill the one with experience before you empty the bag of luck.
16. Choppers can't fly. They're so ugly that the earth is rejecting them.
17. If everything you can see trough the cockpit is the rotating earth and everything you hear is the screams of the passengers, means that not everything is how it should.
18. In the continuous fight between aluminium objects that fly at speeds of hundreds of Km/h and the earth that flyes at 0Km/h, the earth still must be beaten.
19. Correct thinking comes from experience. Sadly, the experience comes from wrong thinking.
20. The gravitational force isn't just a good ideea, it's a law. And isn't just about the apples.
(sorry for my english)