A good true story (as I can remember to retell it...)
A Navy SEAL was going through the Army jump school. Of course, the instructors didn't like the fact that he was navy, and tried to be hard on him. This didn't work because he'd already been through BUD/S. Anyway, on his last jump, two of his buddies posed as instructors and came to jump with him. The airplane took off, the students prepared to jump. They stood up, hooked up, and started filing out. When his first friend got to the door, rather than crouch and prepare to go out, he turned, looked at the jumpmaster, and thumbed his nose at him. Before the jumpmaster could react, he was out the door. But that was just the distraction. The second friend came up, grabbed the jumpmasters black hat (their trademark), and jumped. Furious, the jumpmaster looked out the door and yelled, "NAVY!!! COME BACK WITH MY **** HAT!!!!!!
They still have that hat today.