F4U Corsair
For comparison, the P-47 is a one-trick pony (strictly "boom-n-zoom"), whereas both F4U & F6F, with proper use of vertical elements, can keep up with A6M Zero in a turning fight. The Jug will depart every time I look at the stick funny, whereas the Corsair will just give me that extra Alpha & the lead needed to "rake" the target with .50 API. However, this doesn't mean the Corsair is limited to "turn-n-burn"; it will keep up with the best in the vertical. About the only fighters with such beautiful balance in "boom-n-zoom" & "turn-n-burn" are the P-51 Mustang & Fw 190D-9. But neither come close to what Corsair can do as mud mover.
As a ground-attack asset, it's matched by few fighters in term of payload, and I consider it to be superior to such dedicated types as SB2C Helldiver and Il-2 Shturmovik, or any iteration of Fw 190F/G. It's the only fighter with dive brakes (purposely strengthened landing gear doors), and I can actually hit moving ships more consistently with Corsair than with any other aircraft.
Sure, it's not the easiest aircraft to bring back on carrier deck, but as a island-based aircraft (as used in the Solomon's), it's actually less suicidal than Bf 109 or Spitfire. It's actually easier to land than half of land-based fighters.
Finally, it has a weird aesthetic that appeals to me.