Anyone know how to do takeoffs like the AI? After rotation they are able to hold nosewheel off ground, do a smooth takeoff and accelerate at treetop altitude like what we do in L-39s in FSX, which I failed to do with any flap/trim/stick/throttle combination in numerous experiments. And in landing it`s hard to maintain speed with full flaps, even at 90% throttle, and when landed short of runway on grass, the A/C expode, Landing short of runway is not so rear a mistake for those students training on JJ-6 or JJ-7 as these greenhands try to touch down as close as possible to the runway threshold, not even the "T". (the tail skid)
And the A/C explode readily whenever the aft section of fuslage touch ground, which is not quite reliastic. On actual MiG-19/J-6s, a tail skid is located after the ventral fin. So when a pilot lands with much pitch, this skid touch ground and was attrited instead of the fin. They check the condition of the skid after every flight, sa sometimes they use dragchute while airborne shortly before touchdown(a widely accepted practise on J-6s and J-7s as they have chute at the V-tail root, providing a pitch-up moment when the chute`s out).
In some speed range the Horizontal stablizer shakes much, In early mig-19s without all-flying H-tail and belly airbrake, this happens with the deployment of airbreak, the belly airbrake and all-flying tail are actually introduced to kill this shaking. The extended bob-weight is used to eliminate the shaking for good in the whole flight evenlope.
Thank You yery much~