Yes this is how the PE-8 was done, for a pretty similar amount, when it was anounced, there was huge ranting and lots of "I aint paying for a stinking plane!!" who do they think they are conning! and yet, it proceded quietly and speedily and we now have an outstanding model of a four engine bomber in the official update
I wonder how many people downloaded and use patch 4,11? does not seem so expensive now? A graphics studio would charge how much?
I say congratulations to these people and hope them good luck, now if we could have had a similar project in the west we might have had an official B17, B24, B29 or Lancaster however the last "big" project ended up with the fiasco that was C_n_a_ K_i_h_s and we all know what happened there.
However we have SAS and the talented people who give their spare time for free so we have the best of all worlds
Cheers Dakpilot