In the past few months, beta versions of several Vietnam Era planes were released. The release of other such planes is pending. While several Vietnam maps are available, I would like to see a North Vietnam/Thailand map that extends from the airbases in Thailand to North Vietnam's border with China. This would allow the player to fly the complete routes frown by USAF F-105's, F-4's and others.
Though I realize IL-2 allows the player to start a mission while already airborne, I find flying missions from beginning to end a more immersive experience. The current maps do no allow the player to fly from Thailand or South Vietnam to points in North Vietnam.
Recently, I read Robin Olds memoirs in a book entitled Fighter Pilot, which included his part in Operation Bolo. He was based at Ubon AFB in Thailand. Ideally, I would like to see the 'Bolo' map begin a little south of Ubon AFB. However given that it would extend east from inside Thailand to the sea and north to the Chinese border, I realize it would be a large map. If deemed too large, the southern border of the map could be moved north to a point just below the Udorn AFB.
I any case, I think it would be a great map to have given all the Vietnam Era planes under development.