Thanks MilanTarik, but all credit really goes to Vpmedia for starting these new updates. It is his work and good ideas
which have made it better than the last version. I like what he has done so far.
The aircraft and things were already there, they just needed to look a little bit better. The actual mod
airplanes are really great and I must congratulate all the creators of those cool aircraft, the superb realistic maps , awesome
special effects, vehicles and tanks and so much more that is included in the DBW-1916.
Everyone did a great job on this, I cannot ask for more at this moment.
It is a great start for what might become a legendary and all-time classic mod-version for the IL-2 game. Just like what has
become of the World War II era (IL-2-1946) game and its evolution up to now with mods and also a great start for the Jet-Age and
Helicopter-Age for the Il-2 in the future mod versions. I can still remember a few years back some people said "it cannot be done, it
will never fly in the IL-2 game". Well, alot has changed in this game and will continue to evolve into something even much better
in the future.
I am just painting skins for them and along the way I am testing out the visual looks to these airplanes. I want to include
and change the looks of those engines and other bit parts that cannot be changed with a normal skin. But only "visual" changes.
I do not want to change the airplanes themselves or whatever way they look in 3-D as they are now.
I really like their looks.
Many changes can be made to them just by painting these diferent parts and add some fine details on the skins. I can make it look
like an entirely metal aircraft or make it into a wood+canvas classic. My paintbrush is my magic-mojo to create whatever I want.
That is the cool thing about game skins , it creates a "Visual-Mod" on this game.
Anyone can create a new template for it and make that 3-D game airplane look "almost" like any other aircraft that flies, or even a flying
banana if they want!
These tests I make, I do it for myself, I like to experiment with the visual looks of things.
If you like what you see on the screenshots I will be posting later , then I can make these
new skin parts available to you and you can change your aircraft also. It is up to you. I am doing this for the fun of it.
Whenever I get tired of the way they look, I can always return back to the previous un-modded skins and the original version of
the game and its aircraft.
.... Sadly I think I'll only download it when it is in a more 'finalized' state, unless I get the chance to do so this summer.
Reason for that is that the download is quite big, my net very slow and your updates very frequent 
I reccomend to use VPMedias latest and the last update he posted.
It is a great one, you should really try it.

Whatever is coming up next will never be "finalized". It is not the end, and will never stop.
This is a evolution of the game.
Just like before and just like the whole IL-2-1946 game. It just keeps getting better and better with time.
You know what they say, coming this December, 2012 its the END OF THE WORLD !