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Author Topic: DBW 1916 update v4 (UPDATED! 29.03.2019)  (Read 472490 times)

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Re: DBW 1916 update v1b4
« Reply #84 on: June 23, 2012, 03:25:37 PM »

I have a series of questions about DBW_1916.  In no way should these questions be construed to be criticism, please.  What I see here is pure art and I'm so impressed I have goosebumps.  Seriously.

I decided that today I would go balloon busting..... but alas no balloons, or dirigibles, or zeppelins,  .... I'm hoping that these are WIP???.  I know somebody had to have thought of it, but that is a really different thing to model than an aeroplane, and much less important.  Hmmm  might be a good thing to start learning how to model on, (he said to himself).

EDITED: Figured out the Balloon scenario.  FMB, add an Observation balloon.  Launch game.  Explosive Fun!
More Editing:  Barrage balloons make even bigger explosions.....  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.  So much fun, so little time.

Another question, and yes the statement above was meant as a question.  I looked at my #DBW_1916 folder and chased down the air.ini file.  Inside I found a bunch of the WW2 aircraft.  If I were to delete them, the Bf-109s, FW-190s, A-20s, etc.  would I suffer the slings and arrows of needed to do a complete install?  I want to avoid that but,  I really only want planes in the 1909 to 1934 era in my #DBW_1916 set up.

When using the QMB select my plane, then go to the arming screen, and choose "Air Force", I don't see Britain, nor Great Britain, nor "Limeys", only "RAF (Postwar)".  So if I want to represent Great Britain in a QMB jaunt,  I choose RAF (Post War).  This must be a remnant of cloning from the original game?

The people who worked on this mod, wow, you should all be so proud of what you have accomplished!  Stunning!


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Re: DBW 1916 update v1b4
« Reply #85 on: June 23, 2012, 04:40:00 PM »

Very nice skins. They're really needed for DBW1916.
But you could switch to OpenGL at least for taking screens, your work would look even better.
Why you running in DirectX?

Btw do you know about status of Fokker E.III and Dr.1 projects?

Ok, its been so long I have done this... How do you switch to OpenGL for Screenshots?  ::)

I noticed the screens are coming out with alot more jagged pixels now, but used to be very good
before. Maybe that is the problem.
But I have an old computer and these days its starting to feel like an old dinosaur.
I will be buying a new pc soon.

As for status on the next WW1 airplanes, I found out that the Fokker E.III and DR.1 are both
having a new cockpit made in 3D and other goodies fixed and corrected properly.
I have not heard any news on the SPad and Nieuport 4, 14 ,and 17 from our Russia and Eastern European friends , but last time I saw images, they were already flying great. They might also need
a few more tweaks of the FM and other flight details.
These WW1 airplanes fly totally diferent from other airplanes, so they must be made diferent.
I already have 35+ airplanes to fly around, so I can wait a little bit longer for the other

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Re: DBW 1916 update v1b4
« Reply #86 on: June 23, 2012, 04:59:40 PM »

OK, this isn't fair, I haven't time enough to enjoy all this good work and the new planes appearing... and I'm supossed to be doing a campaign...
Thanks a lot for all these pieces of art.


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Re: DBW 1916 update v1b4
« Reply #87 on: June 23, 2012, 06:30:37 PM »

Another Question please.

I'm having trouble with two maps, Gallipolli and Megiddo.  I did find the note in the campaigns about the fix, #DBW_1916_Fix.7z, so I downloaded and installed that.  But when I try to load either of those two maps I get a java load error, I believe referring to the Map.ini file.  Do I need to load some WW1 objects or something?  Thanks for any help.

****** Problem Solved *********
I had a pretty new copy of DBW 1.71 and I resisted doing a fresh install.  However, when I finally created a fresh install, I used the 4.07 to DBW 1.71 SuperPack download and after that, all my problems with DBW_1916 went away!  Don't fight it, just do it!


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Re: DBW 1916 update v1b4
« Reply #88 on: June 23, 2012, 06:33:56 PM »

How do you switch to OpenGL for Screenshots?  ::)

go to conf.ini,
and set GLprovider to this :

Code: [Select]


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Re: DBW 1916 update v1b4
« Reply #89 on: June 23, 2012, 06:40:29 PM »

Milan, I think you should change your handle to "SuperMan" that is at least twice today that you have come to my rescue.  I'm starting to feel like Lois Lane.   :P  Thanks for the tip.


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Re: DBW 1916 update v1b4
« Reply #90 on: June 23, 2012, 06:51:27 PM »

How do you switch to OpenGL for Screenshots?  ::)

go to conf.ini,
and set GLprovider to this :

Code: [Select]

Thank You MilanTarik  8)
At the present moment I am at work and cannot do that on my other pc with the game.
But I will check tomorrow to see if I have already done this before to the Conf.ini with this new
game installation. I believe I have done it already.
I would not be surprised if my screenshots still come out crappy, specially if I make a very
close-up image,
afterall I am working with a Jurassic Era computer.... it´s almost 8 years old  ;D I just got to kill
it one of these days and put it out of its misery  :(
Perhaps do it like a cool Rock-Star and throw the whole thing out of a Hotel room window and
see it crash on the ground!  ;D BANG!
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Re: DBW 1916 update v1b4
« Reply #91 on: June 23, 2012, 07:00:17 PM »

Milan, I think you should change your handle to "SuperMan" that is at least twice today that you have come to my rescue.  I'm starting to feel like Lois Lane.   :P  Thanks for the tip.

Wut ? Did switching to Open GL help you with your map problem ? :o I was actually talking to max, he asked how to...
Well if it did, good for you :D


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Re: DBW 1916 update v1b4
« Reply #92 on: June 23, 2012, 07:04:24 PM »

btw, vpmedia and max (and all others involved) :

Awesome job you've done there :) Well done ;D
Sadly I think I'll only download it when it is in a more 'finalized' state, unless I get the chance to do so this summer.
Reason for that is that the download is quite big, my net very slow and your updates very frequent ;D


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Re: DBW 1916 update v1b4
« Reply #93 on: June 23, 2012, 11:15:54 PM »

Thanks MilanTarik, but all credit really goes to Vpmedia for starting these new updates. It is his work and good ideas
 which have made it better than the last version. I like what he has done so far.

The aircraft and things were already there, they just needed to look a little bit better. The actual mod
airplanes are really great and I must congratulate all the creators of those cool aircraft, the superb realistic maps , awesome
special effects, vehicles and tanks and so much more that is included in the DBW-1916.
Everyone did a great job on this, I cannot ask for more at this moment.

It is a great start for what might become a legendary and all-time classic mod-version for the IL-2 game. Just like what has
become of the World War II era (IL-2-1946) game and its evolution up to now with mods and also a great start for the Jet-Age and
Helicopter-Age for the Il-2 in the future mod versions. I can still remember a few years back some people said "it cannot be done, it
will never fly in the IL-2 game". Well, alot has changed in this game and will continue to evolve into something even much better
in the future.

I am just painting skins for them and along the way I am testing out the visual looks to these airplanes. I want to include
and change the looks of those engines and other bit parts that cannot be changed with a normal skin. But only "visual" changes.
I do not want to change the airplanes themselves or whatever way they look in 3-D as they are now.
I really like their looks.
Many changes can be made to them just by painting these diferent parts and add some fine details on the skins. I can make it look
like an entirely metal aircraft or make it into a wood+canvas classic. My paintbrush is my magic-mojo to create whatever I want.
That is the cool thing about game skins , it creates a "Visual-Mod" on this game.
Anyone can create a new template for it and make that 3-D game airplane look "almost" like any other aircraft that flies, or even a flying
banana if they want!
These tests I make, I do it for myself, I like to experiment with the visual looks of things.
If you like what you see on the screenshots I will be posting later , then I can make these
new skin parts available to you and you can change your aircraft also. It is up to you. I am doing this for the fun of it.
Whenever I get tired of the way they look, I can always return back to the previous un-modded skins and the original version of
the game and its aircraft.

.... Sadly I think I'll only download it when it is in a more 'finalized' state, unless I get the chance to do so this summer.
Reason for that is that the download is quite big, my net very slow and your updates very frequent ;D

I reccomend to use VPMedias latest and the last update he posted.
It is a great one, you should really try it.  8) Whatever is coming up next will never be "finalized". It is not the end, and will never stop.
This is a evolution of the game.
Just like before and just like the whole IL-2-1946 game. It just keeps getting better and better with time.

You know what they say, coming this December, 2012 its the END OF THE WORLD !  ;D
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Re: DBW 1916 update v1b4
« Reply #94 on: June 23, 2012, 11:22:02 PM »

Hey again,

Was checking out the awesome skims this weekend   :D

Very colourful   ;) :)

Awesome work   :D ;)

Thanks greatly Max The Hit Man   ;D




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Re: DBW 1916 update v1b4
« Reply #95 on: June 24, 2012, 12:39:29 AM »

I have a series of questions about DBW_1916.  In no way should these questions be construed to be criticism, please.  What I see here is pure art and I'm so impressed I have goosebumps.  Seriously.

I decided that today I would go balloon busting..... but alas no balloons, or dirigibles, or zeppelins,  .... I'm hoping that these are WIP???.  I know somebody had to have thought of it, but that is a really different thing to model than an aeroplane, and much less important.  Hmmm  might be a good thing to start learning how to model on, (he said to himself).

EDITED: Figured out the Balloon scenario.  FMB, add an Observation balloon.  Launch game.  Explosive Fun!
More Editing:  Barrage balloons make even bigger explosions.....  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.  So much fun, so little time.

Another question, and yes the statement above was meant as a question.  I looked at my #DBW_1916 folder and chased down the air.ini file.  Inside I found a bunch of the WW2 aircraft.  If I were to delete them, the Bf-109s, FW-190s, A-20s, etc.  would I suffer the slings and arrows of needed to do a complete install?  I want to avoid that but,  I really only want planes in the 1909 to 1934 era in my #DBW_1916 set up.

When using the QMB select my plane, then go to the arming screen, and choose "Air Force", I don't see Britain, nor Great Britain, nor "Limeys", only "RAF (Postwar)".  So if I want to represent Great Britain in a QMB jaunt,  I choose RAF (Post War).  This must be a remnant of cloning from the original game?

The people who worked on this mod, wow, you should all be so proud of what you have accomplished!  Stunning!

...\#DBW_1916\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects\__reduced-Air.ini will give you a list with no ww2 planes
so rename existing air.ini to '-full-air.ini' and then rename '__reduced-Air.ini' to 'Air.ini'

Other issue: The RAF(Postwar) is under axis, RAF is under Allies in the QMB ;)
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