Okay Malone,
I'll jump in here at the risk of ticking you guys off - which is not what I am about. I want to understand as far as my intelligence will allow - though admittedly that could be in short order.
When you say "there are so many interdependecies" , this is the kind of statement where some further info might help alleviate people like me who don't know , asking questions that tend to irritate you people who do know . Might help.
Some of us are just irritating. Most of us don't intend to be.
I am not asking for a post secondary education in programming - which is certainly beyond my range of mental aquisition, but I would really appreciate a response a bit deeper than "this is a bit annoying" and "so many interdependencies".
I know everyone does this on their spare time, and most might not have the patience or interest to go where I am suggesting , but a little more info might evolve into less unintelligent or less annoying questions (by people like me who are just interested and would like to contribute) , or more realistic ideas to throw around.
The current question under discussion is a good example - again it SEEMS to me - because it looks (on the surface) like this particular coding is or could or maybe ought to be a bit isolated from many of the "complexities" of coding that are included in this simulation , and therefore simpler than many.
It doesn't change aerodynamics , or aerial ballistics , or changes on consumption based on altitude , or flight model ,.
All it would do is take the numer "R" that IL2 calculates as consumption for aircraft Type"x" and multiplies it (albeit constantly, or more likely again and again at intervals) x the map scale multiplier , let's call it "M".
Clearly this would be simplified (less multipliers) if maps were restricted to certain overscales such as 1:1 (no changes),2:1, 3:2 , 4:3 etc. (with corresponding multipliers of 2x, 1.5x , 1.25x).
Please bear with me if you would , or lock the thread if you feel the need, and tell me to knock it off.
(To my reasoning) What relates to fuel consumption that is complicated ought not to be affected by a multiplier based on map scale. If this is not so , what is making it more complicated?
It would seem to me that the multiplier need only take the rate that the IL2 engine is (already ) calculating based on all the complicated data - aircraft/altitude/throttle setting/air temperature/pilot experience (which by the way I'll bet IL2 does NOT include in the calculation, though it should) etc etc and multiply it again by the "Map Scale Rate".
Okay . I've repeated myself I guess, except to ask for a bit more info - I guess it would have been less painless just to ask that. Sorry.
End runoffatthemouth.