I need to ask a loadout update after recent readings about this great plane!
In the latter part of the war Germany was operate bombers only at night (same kind of environment also for torpedo bomber operation , so if someone that read this post can think rightly that the same loadout update is needed also for the Ju88A4) due increased AAA & NF treats from guns and night fighters.
So they developed an updated tactic of target marking by the development of specialized pathfinders planes (mainly the KG.6 JU-188) which operate in three initial action:
1) about 5 minute before extimate time above target a single target finder plane start to release paraflares to illuminate the target area;
2) at target attack time a target marker release incediary bombs to start marking fires on the ground;
3) after a lag of about 5 to 15 minutes in which the fires start to develop a second target finder plane release again paraflares to help illuminate the target (and maybe blind AAA crews) for the striking force.
So , to have a correct simulation of this coordinated bombing action I believe that some paraflare should be included.
Above I have wrote also about the Ju88 A4 because the torpedo plane also use such system of paraflare to shilouette ships for torpedo bombers!
So adding paraflare also for the A4 can be useful for night antishipping action in which A4 torp or A17 (and if the above request 'll be accomplished for 188 too) 'll shoot at ships from the dark side of the horizont after a succesful paraflare release (or must to abort the action if the paraflare planes 'll be downed by AAA or NF)
My fingers are crossed!
Thanks in advance for your time reading this request and hopefully for the loadout update work!
All thevery best!