THere has been an update that corrects much of the over heating problem, as a few weeks ago I could't get any jet up, and they all caught fire if I tried. It seemed to have just been accepted by most, but then a modification came out in the updates that apparently fixed it.
Make sure you have the auto updater for HSFX and run it. That's what worked for me anyway.
zazzaz stated in his post that he was using HSFX 6.0.16, which is the latest version.
The overheating is not the only issue I have, AI seem to be another one.
I just uninstalled hsfx 6.0.17 (just upgraded) to verify some basic settings and possibly reinstall it completely.
First of all I reinstalled my vanilla il2 4.11.1 and did a few single missions. To my surprise I now also get some very different AI behavior when I order my flight to attack an enemy ground column. With 4.11.1 all wingmen attack the ground targets and drop their payload like I expected and like it should.
However, when I give the attack 'ground enemy vehicles' command with 6.0.16/17 all of my wingmen immediately drop their boms, perform some crocodile death roll and dive down to attack the enemy vehicles with their guns only.
I was a bit surprised to see this since I thought hsfx 6.x was based on 4.11.1. I expected to see similar AI behavior. Is hsfx 6.x based on il2 4.11 or 4.11.1? if so, what could explain this difference? Are there perhaps some mods in hsfx 6 that could cause this?