Is this a bug? HSFX 6.0.17:
SC50, 250, 500... only electric fuze allowed. Not delay available. Low level attack is lethal... for plane launching bombs.
PA-Willy :- Look at the stock game, its just the same in that. You can change the fuzing whilst flying by using the the new electronic fuzing command key. Its not a bug but a 4.11 feature. Maybe post on 1c TD forum if you think there is a bug with it ?
Boelcke :- Bf 109G6 AS problem. ( I cannot replicate this with two different hsfx vanilla installations, disable mods folder and see if it is still a problem ?):-
Also try re-running the auto-updater.
If it is a misison loading problem its worth checking the loadout strings.
Some of these changed quite a bit with 4.11.1 and you maybe generating a mission with a loadout that il2 cannot recognise?
This is a bugger as its case the difference in syntax between 1xSC500 & 1xSc500 is enough to cause a problem
(which also causes no cockpit etc doesn't it.)
zazzaz :- when you run hsfx in default (as opposed to expert mode) .
All FM's for stock flyables are stock 4.11.1.
The ai contained within hsfx is 4.11.1 . (because there is no hsfx ai. It drops straight through to the stock games ai code.)
But this is only if you are running vanilla hsfx.
If you download FM's from elsewhere/add maps/ planes etc get what you get. Its open to give people choice if they want to do that, but the consequences of that are not down to us really are they.
To get back to default simply disable any mods folder and re-run the auto-updater.