while doing a bit of research on the war in North Africa/Med, i finally stumbled upon a pic which proves something i'va always wondered about, and i think a mod like this would certainly help to spice up missions/campaigns based in this region.
please excuse the poor quality pic, it really is the only one i could find - nevertheless, it is proof that this was used.
this pic is of a Ju-88A-4 of KG54 circa December 1942, and clearly shows the auxiliary fuel tank that was situated under the port wing root.
at the time of this pic, KG54 was based at Gerbini, Sicily, and on route to a raid in Oran.
many such long-range missions were undertaken.
according to the info, the bombload had to be reduced to accommodate the extra weight.
so, hopefully not too much work would be needed to incorporate this as a loadout option.
it definitely would open up new options for mission/campaign builders, and i think it'd be great if we could add this as a loadout option.
thanks for reading