If you've got any good info on the Erebus Class monitors (Erebus and Terror) that would be very interesting. Built in 1916 but went on to provide active service in the Med in WWII, so useful for both eras. I have drawings of the WWII Roberts Class monitors, but they do not have such an interesting service history.
ashe, i have some very basic info on those, gleaned from 'Jane's Fighting Ships of WW1'
as i say, pretty basic stuff, weapons, dimensions, and a pretty rudimentary top-down and side profile. if you think it'll help, i can upload that for you.
i'd also like to add that, as always, i think the smaller, more often used type of ships, will be a much more useful additions for mission-builders. nice as the bigger battleship types are, they do involve a lot more work from a modeler's point of view, and then are limited in the amount of useful scenarios they can be involved in, whereas the smaller types, even auxiliaries, transports, tugs, river gunboats, etc are much more versatile, and can be usefully applied in many scenarios. just my 5 cents on the battleship story.