Hi, thank you all for the comments and thank you Cracken for the campaign. I guess this thread can become a really interesting subforum on SCW, as is Sangre y Oro.
Sorry if I sounded kind of rude with my comments, I only try to give suggestions for improvements ot this great Ultraspain. I always loved Redeye's maps, as I said in old posts I still consider Central Spain the best map, and next one Northern Spain. I love this new one and can be really useful to play long campaigns such as Aragon Nationalist offensive, Ebro Battle, Valencia defensive battle, Conquest of Catalonia, or all of them combined.
Of course I'll feel really honoured to share my opinions with you Redeye. PMing you just afterwards.
Por supuesto, será para mi un honor compartir opiniones contigo Redeye. Te escribo algo inmediatamente después.
About the added planes, I have all of them installed already working just fine. For Trimotor, I recommend Epervier's version. You can find it here:
http://www.gamefront.com/files/20477506/Ford_3m_MY_v1_2_7zFor the rest, you can find all of them searching in SAS, if not, I'll post the links tomorrow, It`s a little late here now to start searching.
I'll try to give a hand with my small habilities to help a little bit to improve this new great tool.