So 3D modelers are a special bunch, for sure!
Sounds way out of my capabilities; even the mice around here don't like me.
Maybe its because of the traps?
Yes indeed, they are a special type of artist. It takes alot of training and practice to
get it right, and alot of patience too. I also have 3-DMAX and have tinckered around with it,
but the thing is, after you create your 3-D model airplane, then you will have to create about 20+
other models for all types of things. There is a little damage model, then a medium damage model ,then a heavy damage model, them the wings parts, wheels parts, cockpit interiors, engine parts, and so
on and so on. Its alot of parts that need rendering, Then you have to make codes for those parts to
stick to other parts and work in unisson, because if they won´t work together, then your airplane is
as good as the Spruce-Goose and just laying in the water. It doesn´t move at all.
Then after that comes the special FM codes that make it fly like a proper airplane should. Then after
that comes the special codes and slots that makes your new airplane fly in the IL-2 game, and even then sometimes the airplane comes "un-glued" and bits and pieces show through airplane, some even become invisible-like, which means
going back and re-working those parts to fit properly into your aircraft.
I am sure many a computer modeller has dreamth of codes running through their dreams many a night...
its like a nightmare sometimes.
Yes, they are a special bunch of Artists.
I admire their talent, because even if you create a so-called "Franken-plane" you have to understand
how much work and dedication has gone into creating that simple franken-plane.
To me, that plane is magical.
Its a one of a kind "prototype", at least that is how I look at them in the game.
Imagine them as the first of the "Mustangs" that will evolve later into a great machine.
As we all know, every aircraft had a beggining and sometimes that beggining was a terrible one. The
airplane was an ugly-duckling, but once you start fixing it up, it suddenly becomes a "Spitfire"...a "Messerschmitt"...a "Sabre jet" and so on.
So franken-planes are the original design of what is to come in the future.
Looking back at the WW1 era and also the WW2 era through books and photo archives you can see
hundreds of aircraft designs that are literally "franken-planes" themselves. Specially in the WW1 years when designers and engineers were just starting out from nothing and creating aircraft by mixing parts
and pieces from other airplanes.
I believe it was Fokker himself that designed something like 200 aircraft just during the WW1 years!! ???
All kiinds of airplanes and designs.
So after about 10 years right after the Wright Brothers first flew out of the ground and into the air,
these WW1 guys were experimenting with all sorts of flight designs.
To see what is best and to see which airplane will beat the other guys airplane.
Now if you want to beat the other designer in the war effort, then I will suggest to
start reading and taking notes from ALL of the posts you will see here ...,65.0.htmlGood luck Captain
Have fun experimenting