I have to say I'm impressed by the work put in. At times it's very covincing, but a few points? (I'm nitpicking of course, but it's meant in a positive way)
1 - Aircraft only shake in turbulence or due to the proximity of explosions. In the video, the bombers are flying too high to experience the sort of heavier turbluence depicted (there's no evidence of anything but fine weather) and I don't remember seeing flak.
2 - The actors move in an unnatural fashion sometimes. I'm thinking of where the B17 nose gunner looks around from the waist, when usually head movements are sufficient (and some shoulder movement too if the man is looking over his shoulder). Also the actor in the burning messerschmitt looks curiously unfazed by the heat and flames.
3 - The scene where the messerschmitt pilot bails out looks very odd, he leaps from the cockpit almost like a spring pushed him out. Many pilots of the era turned their aeroplane over to fall out. If a pilot clambers out, he will fall behind the wing (and risk a clout from the tailplane - it did happen). If the fighter is descending rapidly then a more gentle exit from the aeroplane is called for because at first the pilot is falliing at the same speed and the drag of his clothing won't immediately change his downward pace.
Hope that stuff helps. Can't wait to see what you do next