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Author Topic: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition  (Read 46498 times)

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Re: DBW - JG53 - The Ace of Spades
« Reply #96 on: October 25, 2012, 08:15:49 AM »

Hello Monty27.

I am very enthusiastic of your hard job. I have downloaded all your full_monty_packs and I would like to try your new campaign but the link for the update patch regarding battle of Britain is broken ! Have you an over link please ?

Best regards, Thierry.


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Re: DBW - JG53 - The Ace of Spades
« Reply #97 on: October 25, 2012, 11:55:07 PM »

Hello Monty27.

I am very enthusiastic of your hard job. I have downloaded all your full_monty_packs and I would like to try your new campaign but the link for the update patch regarding battle of Britain is broken ! Have you an over link please ?

Best regards, Thierry.
Hi Thierry

My Mediafire account is a bit messed up at the moment, no idea why.  The Full Monty Archive is updated to Monty-18 now, that will stay on Mediafire, and the Campaign files will shortly be hosted on Axis and Allies Paintworks.  Will get those up next week sometime.  Meanwhile JG53 works fine without the small cosmetic patch.


EDIT: All Done - http://www.axis-and-allies-paintworks.com/download.php?view.637


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Re: DBW - JG53 - The Ace of Spades
« Reply #98 on: October 26, 2012, 03:01:52 AM »

Hi Simon

Thank you very much for your answer and you hard and very good job for the community ! I can't explain all my gratitude exactly because I'm French and my English is not very good. Sorry for that.



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Re: DBW - JG53 - The Ace of Spades
« Reply #99 on: October 26, 2012, 03:56:55 AM »

Hi Simon

Thank you very much for your answer and you hard and very good job for the community ! I can't explain all my gratitude exactly because I'm French and my English is not very good. Sorry for that.


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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #100 on: October 30, 2012, 10:33:58 AM »

Hello Monty,

Let me confess - I'm in love with your campaigns, your packs, and basically everything you do (hopefully you don't eat puppies for breakfast otherwise it seems I'll have to love it too).
Anyway, I'm up to flying Ace of Spades and I'm really eager to use radio beacons but when I hit the Next Beacon button the game just freezes, then (if I try to press buttons) crashes and there's nothing in the log file that reflects the reason. While typing I've found another post about this issue so I'm going to follow.
Thank you


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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #101 on: October 30, 2012, 10:38:38 AM »

Hi sirrover
Take a look at the Monty Packs thread and I left the solution there for you.
All the best


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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #102 on: November 02, 2012, 05:04:54 PM »

Monty (et all modders),
    I just wanted to say a BIG Thank You for all of your hardwork on the full monty and this campaign! I have only flown a few missions but wow! I stopped playing il2 back in 2005 and to come back and find the single player the way it is thanks to so many in this community, I am literally in awe. Thank you.


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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #103 on: November 02, 2012, 06:29:22 PM »

Monty (et all modders),
    I just wanted to say a BIG Thank You for all of your hardwork on the full monty and this campaign! I have only flown a few missions but wow! I stopped playing il2 back in 2005 and to come back and find the single player the way it is thanks to so many in this community, I am literally in awe. Thank you.
Thanks Camman, there's more coming too - stay in touch  ;D


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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #104 on: November 02, 2012, 07:27:39 PM »

Well done enjoy these with the packs a lot more with the immersion the packs give them


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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #105 on: November 21, 2012, 04:13:53 AM »

I'd like to share my experience on this campaign, which has been a fantastic enjoyment so far. :)

1st a reminder i didn't see at first: it's better to have FBDSM in addition to TFM, or french moranes will be painted as finns

The scenery is really well done, and the way briefings are written makes one enjoy it more, with the incitation to park at the right place, the explanation on what is going on on the ground.

The briefings are a work of art themselves, everything needed is in, historical perspective, player's mission, other flights in area's purposes, perfect !

I have a small gripe with the defaut 300kph cruise speed used, it's quite fit for the first very long flights to have more endurance (some missions over France require serious fuel management), but for shorter missions, escpecially in unfriendly skies, a more suitable cruise speed would have been 350kph for the early 109s i flew so far, even 400kph in some situations.

Finally none of the BoB missions would load, computer freezes at 85%. In FMB the map alone loads, but not the missions. My PC could be overloaded by too many objects maybe ? In despair i edited the campaign.ini and went directly to russia, from kiev to Leningrad to Moscow everything's fine so far.

Thanks again for sharing this outstanding labour of love, many missions are epic !  8)


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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #106 on: November 22, 2012, 01:03:19 AM »

I'd like to share my experience on this campaign, which has been a fantastic enjoyment so far. :)

1st a reminder i didn't see at first: it's better to have FBDSM in addition to TFM, or french moranes will be painted as finns

The scenery is really well done, and the way briefings are written makes one enjoy it more, with the incitation to park at the right place, the explanation on what is going on on the ground.

The briefings are a work of art themselves, everything needed is in, historical perspective, player's mission, other flights in area's purposes, perfect !

I have a small gripe with the defaut 300kph cruise speed used, it's quite fit for the first very long flights to have more endurance (some missions over France require serious fuel management), but for shorter missions, escpecially in unfriendly skies, a more suitable cruise speed would have been 350kph for the early 109s i flew so far, even 400kph in some situations.

Finally none of the BoB missions would load, computer freezes at 85%. In FMB the map alone loads, but not the missions. My PC could be overloaded by too many objects maybe ? In despair i edited the campaign.ini and went directly to russia, from kiev to Leningrad to Moscow everything's fine so far.

Thanks again for sharing this outstanding labour of love, many missions are epic !  8)
Hi rollnloop,

This mission set was upgraded recently, and I flew many of them just last week, including BoB.  May I suggest you re-downoad the mission package and test some of the BoB's through the single mission set?  I think it will all be OK now.  You can actually get the Single Missions seperately now and replace the missions in the campaign with those too.


If that doesn't solve it, let us know in more detail the nature of the failure to load.

On cruising speed, its a question of balance.  As it increases the AI, who usually fly better than me, tend to get away.  Also over-heating is a danger and there are usually a lot of flights and ground actions coordinated.  So the best thing is to get in formation, stay with your buddies and keep your engine revs low as possible.  When the shit hits the fan, you don't want to be on your own or out of options...



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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #107 on: November 22, 2012, 04:36:29 PM »

Hi simon, i donwloaded the updated set and launched one single mission of BoB: no crash ! I'm well into malta now so i'll play these BoB missions as single later, but i'm happy to report they work OK now.

About the speed, you are of course right one needs to keep low revs once into cruise, it's just that 300kph is not always the best speed for this, depends much on the plane's characteristics. Best speed imo is slightly over climb speed. 109s tend to climb at 320kph (whatever speed you assign them), so 340/350 is quite good for cruise efficiency.

There was a thread on this subject at C6's forum and i found this post useful, it's french but i understand you read without too much difficulty:

En réalité, les IA en montée adoptent une loi de vitesse, et je dis bien une loi parce que ce n'est pas une vitesse constante mais une vitesse qui décroit en général avec l'altitude, UNIQUEMENT en fonction du type d'avion utilisé ET NON PAS en fonction de ce qui a été réglé dans le FMB. C'est à dire que cette loi est totalement indépendante du programmeur de la mission. De plus les IA montent à une puissance très proche de la puissance max

Faites le test, c'est très simple : vous donnez 2 points à un avion avec des altitudes différentes et une vitesse, n'importe laquelle. Lancez la mission et activez le pilote automatique. Attendez un peu qu'il se soit stabilisé en montée, puis notez la vitesse. Sauf si par hasard vous êtes tombé pile, en général elle n'a rien avoir avec ce que vous aviez réglé. Quittez le jeu et une fois de retour dans le FMB changez la vitesse (aux deux points) puis relancez la simulation. Vous verrez, l'IA adoptera exactement le même comportement et la même vitesse.

C'est très curieux mais j'ai l'impression que très peu nombreux sont les concepteurs de missions et de campagnes qui ont réalisé ça puisqu' on trouve même encore des tutos où il est préconisé de fixer des points de début et de fin de montée ce qui est totalement inutile et même néfaste puisque de toute façon l'IA n'en fera qu'à sa tête.

Thanks again for all you offer us, i feel like a kid in a candy store flying your campaign  :)
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