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Author Topic: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition  (Read 46487 times)

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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #108 on: November 24, 2012, 03:13:53 AM »

Hi simon, i donwloaded the updated set and launched one single mission of BoB: no crash ! I'm well into malta now so i'll play these BoB missions as single later, but i'm happy to report they work OK now.

About the speed, you are of course right one needs to keep low revs once into cruise, it's just that 300kph is not always the best speed for this, depends much on the plane's characteristics. Best speed imo is slightly over climb speed. 109s tend to climb at 320kph (whatever speed you assign them), so 340/350 is quite good for cruise efficiency.

There was a thread on this subject at C6's forum and i found this post useful, it's french but i understand you read without too much difficulty:

En réalité, les IA en montée adoptent une loi de vitesse, et je dis bien une loi parce que ce n'est pas une vitesse constante mais une vitesse qui décroit en général avec l'altitude, UNIQUEMENT en fonction du type d'avion utilisé ET NON PAS en fonction de ce qui a été réglé dans le FMB. C'est à dire que cette loi est totalement indépendante du programmeur de la mission. De plus les IA montent à une puissance très proche de la puissance max

Faites le test, c'est très simple : vous donnez 2 points à un avion avec des altitudes différentes et une vitesse, n'importe laquelle. Lancez la mission et activez le pilote automatique. Attendez un peu qu'il se soit stabilisé en montée, puis notez la vitesse. Sauf si par hasard vous êtes tombé pile, en général elle n'a rien avoir avec ce que vous aviez réglé. Quittez le jeu et une fois de retour dans le FMB changez la vitesse (aux deux points) puis relancez la simulation. Vous verrez, l'IA adoptera exactement le même comportement et la même vitesse.

C'est très curieux mais j'ai l'impression que très peu nombreux sont les concepteurs de missions et de campagnes qui ont réalisé ça puisqu' on trouve même encore des tutos où il est préconisé de fixer des points de début et de fin de montée ce qui est totalement inutile et même néfaste puisque de toute façon l'IA n'en fera qu'à sa tête.

Thanks again for all you offer us, i feel like a kid in a candy store flying your campaign  :)
...or even no difficulty at all!  8)

This article underlines the point that the AI will pretty well do as it pleases and that average speed behaviours and waypoint timing are the more critical measures.  Still, if you can stay with the AI and get to the mission waypoints, what's a few k's here and there?

Overall, the mission works if all of the different elements get to where they are supposed to be at the appointed time.  I rarely even read the ASI in a 109 when I'm following a formation and holding position.  With an increase in AI cruise there is a real danger of being left behind and missing all the fun.  Better to have a bit of speed in your pocket.

It is food for thought though, and it all gets filed away.  Rather than mess with JG53 anymore I will take it under advisement when building the next one.  Actually, we really need a good FW190 campaign of similar quality and I have been planning a Bodenplatte series with my mates at A&A...  ;D

Sonny Tucson

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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #109 on: November 24, 2012, 05:03:32 AM »

Hi Simon

This FW-190 project sounds good, especially if you add the 12.26.1944 "Black Friday " mission during which nearly 10th-11th and 12th  staffel of III JG 54, freshly equipped with early Doras were whipped out with their Kommandeur, Hpt. Robert "Bazzy" Weiss, an ace with 121 victories.

Sonny Tucson. :)


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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #110 on: November 24, 2012, 06:11:31 AM »

Hi Simon

This FW-190 project sounds good, especially if you add the 12.26.1944 "Black Friday " mission during which nearly 10th-11th and 12th  staffel of III JG 54, freshly equipped with early Doras were whipped out with their Kommandeur, Hpt. Robert "Bazzy" Weiss, an ace with 121 victories.

Sonny Tucson. :)
We must read the same books.  ;D  Boy is there going to be some bitchin' when we throw the player into that mess and a number of others.  Gille's map of the region is excellent and the skins are among the best I have ever seen in Il2, or anywhere else.  Check out this late war Dora, made for the campaign by RDDR.


Sonny Tucson

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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #111 on: November 24, 2012, 10:02:34 AM »

Hi Simon

Yes it looks like !

-JG54 Jagdgeschwader 54 Grünherz Aces of the Eastern Front by Jerry Scutts.
-Die Grünherz-Jäger-Bildchronik des JG.54 by Werner Held-Hannes Trautloft and Ekkehard Bob.
-Green Hearts-First in Combat with the Dora 9 by Axel Urbanke

and many others.

As for the 190 skins , I never missed one ! .

Sonny  ;)


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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #112 on: November 24, 2012, 11:30:03 AM »

Still, if you can stay with the AI and get to the mission waypoints, what's a few k's here and there?

Makes perfect sense.

It is food for thought though, and it all gets filed away.  Rather than mess with JG53 anymore I will take it under advisement when building the next one.

This was the idea of my post  :)


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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #113 on: November 30, 2012, 12:55:21 AM »

My system consists of an AMD Phenom II X2 550 with 3GB of RAM and an NVIDIA GTX280 for video.  Running Windows XP SP3.  I'm at the Dunkirk evacuation missions and whenever I get near all those ships and action my framerate drops to under 10.  Should that be happening with my system?  I've followed the IL2 optimization guides at M4T already but it seems that the ships and explosions are causing the cpu to choke.  Without the ships there my framerates average in the 50's.  Would an Intel-based system using an I5 or I7 at the same clock speed or higher give 30+ fps during a load like that?


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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #114 on: November 30, 2012, 01:56:16 AM »

My system consists of an AMD Phenom II X2 550 with 3GB of RAM and an NVIDIA GTX280 for video.  Running Windows XP SP3.  I'm at the Dunkirk evacuation missions and whenever I get near all those ships and action my framerate drops to under 10.  Should that be happening with my system?  I've followed the IL2 optimization guides at M4T already but it seems that the ships and explosions are causing the cpu to choke.  Without the ships there my framerates average in the 50's.  Would an Intel-based system using an I5 or I7 at the same clock speed or higher give 30+ fps during a load like that?
Hi Gwaihir

This campaign is based on the highly modified individual setup known as 'The Full Monty'.  Based on DBW with the recommended TFM mod packs it works like a dream on most reasonable systems.  The reason for TFM setup is that these campaigns use a LOT of mods and special features.  So you have to start from DBW + TFM.  Is that the case for you?



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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #115 on: November 30, 2012, 09:58:35 AM »


Yes I have the latest DBW installed as well as all the parts of TFM (1-20, not 7 but 7B).  The campaign runs - it's just that right near the ships the fps takes a bad hit.


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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #116 on: December 03, 2012, 04:18:30 PM »


Yes I have the latest DBW installed as well as all the parts of TFM (1-20, not 7 but 7B).  The campaign runs - it's just that right near the ships the fps takes a bad hit.
Simplest thing: don't go right near the ships, your Bf109 will also take a severe hit!  I tested these missions again, flew right over the ships and got half my tail shot off!

However, it ain't normal for the sim to stutter under the modest Monty Packs.  Nor are the rest of us accepting anything less than silky smooth performance at all times.  Therefore you are certainly looking at an issue which is at variance to the norm, and therefore has a solution, probably unique to you or a smaller group of users.

Areas to investigate are:

A additional mod on top of TFM - almost never a good idea because of the amount of stuff in there and its not playing fair to ask me about a self created issue.  This is probably not the case here but it does happen a lot.

Some conf.INI setup error - I know you have looked at the 'Optimisation Guides' (although you left no link).  I'm thinking of Texcompress=0 for example?

Or an issue with your graphics card setup or operating practice. - For example, to properly fly a campaign mission I prefer to have nothing else running and re-boot before starting an Il2 session.  The importance of this discipline with a complex campaign cannot be overstated.  We often forget that our optimal RAM usage is just after startup and things get more and more cluttered and inefficient as we do other stuff with the PC before going flying.

These are not answers, just good pointers.  The key to fixing your install is to understand where to look for the cause of the problem.


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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #117 on: December 05, 2012, 01:42:53 AM »

Thanks for the advice Monty.  I am working on it.

Unfortunately, I now have a strange problem.  In mission 16, it loads up to 95% and then gives me the "Mission loading failed: null" error.  The logfile doesn't even get created so I don't know what if anything is wrong with my install.  I noticed that in the arming screen it mentioned "Type D droptank."  I changed my loadout to "Default" and then when I tried to start the mission again, it loads up to 100% and then stops.  I don't end up sitting in the cockpit or anything - all I see is the mission load screen that says "100%".  I can hit "esc" and exit the mission and nothing shows up in the logfile. 

I don't have any other mods activated besides TFM and the #DBW6dofTrackIRClassFiles. 


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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #118 on: December 06, 2012, 04:10:22 AM »

******************spoiler alert****************

Hauptmann rollnloop is dead.

After a difficult start as Feldwebel in his first combat missions over France (some victories, but many wrecks), and despite missing the battle of britain due to sickness, he built confidence steadily, and finished the east front tour with 39 air and 35 ground victories. Posted to III/JG53 for the last push in the desert, he met his fate in his first mission there, after bagging 3 more abschusse over hurricanes, a group of spitfires cornered him and, receiving no help from his wingmen already downed or fighting for their own life, his desperate escape failed.

Morale is low at the Gruppe, since only one member of the schwarm lived to tell the tale of his missing kameraden. Kommandeur warned the pilots: It's not known what new fuel the brits put in their SpitsV, but they are now able to follow a 109 full speed in a dive and full throttle down the deck, so that when overheats come and slowing down is the only option, they gain fast a firing solution.

Albert rollnloop's cousin, feldwebel Friedriech rollnloop, just arrived from sicily to join the gruppe, is despaired of his cousin's loss, and swears to avenge him. Flight kameraden wish him good luck, they sense skill won't be enough to survive the next air combats now that the ennemy seems to have gained much better performing airplanes and skilled pilots.


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Re: DBW - The Ace of Spades - Special Edition
« Reply #119 on: December 08, 2012, 04:57:16 PM »

Thanks for the advice Monty.  I am working on it.

Unfortunately, I now have a strange problem.  In mission 16, it loads up to 95% and then gives me the "Mission loading failed: null" error.  The logfile doesn't even get created so I don't know what if anything is wrong with my install.  I noticed that in the arming screen it mentioned "Type D droptank."  I changed my loadout to "Default" and then when I tried to start the mission again, it loads up to 100% and then stops.  I don't end up sitting in the cockpit or anything - all I see is the mission load screen that says "100%".  I can hit "esc" and exit the mission and nothing shows up in the logfile. 

I don't have any other mods activated besides TFM and the #DBW6dofTrackIRClassFiles.
I just tested JG53-16 again (one of my favourite Il2 missions!), thanks for making it easy with your post, and its fine.  There were however, some issues and fixes uploaded within the last month, so I would recommend downloading the missions again and overwriting the old ones, just to make sure you have the latest.  8)
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