Just do this:
works every time

Not really but it's a fun way to crash.
Seriously though an LSO would be very cool. I remember that CFS2 had one, it was tons of fun.
In the mean time, in lieu of an LSO I thought I'd pass along some technique that works well for me:
I decided to try it the way they did it "back then". Instead of flying a conventional landing approach like you would use on a runway, (and the way the AI do it) I try to use the USN WWII method of "dragging it in".
Basically; get the airplane fully configured - hook down, wheels down, full flaps and slowed to a speed that is just 5 to 10 knots greater than stalling. Fly low over the water (ideally at an altitude that is about 50 feet higher than the carrier deck) and use just enough power to keep the airplane from sinking or climbing. Adjust your pitch attitude as necessary to hold your approach speed and just "drag it" in with power until you are just behind the carrier. Then, cut the power, keep the nose up and let her drop on to the deck.
You can fly a curved approach - like they did back in the day - or a long, straight in approach. Either way, the key is to hold your speed and altitude as accurately as possible. Remember that if you make a pitch or a power adjustment you will have to change the other one too (pitch or power) since they directly affect each other. You can practice, without landing by just cruising around in that configuration, low over the water to gain proficiency.
Hope that helps.

and happy landings.