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Author Topic: Landing Signal Officer for USN, RN, and IJN  (Read 6466 times)

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Landing Signal Officer for USN, RN, and IJN
« on: July 16, 2012, 09:07:41 PM »

Just what it says - code that can be attached to flattops that drives a simulated LSO who provides both visual signals and radio calls ("too high", "more power", etc).

I will provide 3D models and animation for the LSOs.  I'll even do the USN LSO voice, if need be (I'll never pass for British, much less Japanese, we'll need to find somebody else for those).  But the sim has really needed these for a long, long long time, and with as fully as the Pacific is being fleshed out, both in planes and ships, I think it's needed more obviously now than ever.


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Re: Landing Signal Officer for USN, RN, and IJN
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2012, 09:31:28 AM »

Just do this:   works every time  ;D ;D  Not really but it's a fun way to crash.

Seriously though an LSO would be very cool.  I remember that CFS2 had one, it was tons of fun.

In the mean time, in lieu of an LSO I thought I'd pass along some technique that works well for me:
I decided to try it the way they did it "back then".  Instead of flying a conventional landing approach like you would use on a runway, (and the way the AI do it) I try to use the USN WWII method of "dragging it in".
Basically; get the airplane fully configured - hook down, wheels down, full flaps and slowed to a speed that is just 5 to 10 knots greater than stalling.  Fly low over the water (ideally at an altitude that is about 50 feet higher than the carrier deck) and use just enough power to keep the airplane from sinking or climbing.  Adjust your pitch attitude as necessary to hold your approach speed and just "drag it" in with power until you are just behind the carrier.  Then, cut the power, keep the nose up and let her drop on to the deck.

You can fly a curved approach - like they did back in the day - or a long, straight in approach.  Either way, the key is to hold your speed and altitude as accurately as possible.  Remember that if you make a pitch or a power adjustment you will have to change the other one too (pitch or power) since they directly affect each other.  You can practice, without landing by just cruising around in that configuration, low over the water to gain proficiency.

Hope that helps.  :)  and happy landings.


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Re: Landing Signal Officer for USN, RN, and IJN
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2012, 10:59:55 AM »

you got  like 999 cylinder engines in front of you, and in 99.5 percent the time you cannot spot the LSO till you are right on top of him.
by which time you do not need him any more... you fly by the seat of the pants and decide "goaround" or "catch that wire"

why put an appropriately animated 3D model there? Waste of energy?
i could supply the voces for the Lolwaffle...


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Re: Landing Signal Officer for USN, RN, and IJN
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2012, 11:24:10 AM »

True it would be almost impossible to see a little animated guy on the carrier in this game.  In CFS2 they had a little cartoon guy that popped up on the upper left portion of the screen.  He gave you the signals and you could see him because he was big and right in front of you.

Even in WWII the pilot had to do the majority of the flying and didn't see the LSO until the last 10 seconds or so of the approach.  You had to "get it into the groove" by yourself.  The LSO was just there to help you in the last part of the approach or, more importantly to "wave you off" if there was a problem on the deck and it was unsafe to land.  He was almost like an air traffic controller in that sense.


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Re: Landing Signal Officer for USN, RN, and IJN
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2012, 12:16:42 PM »

True it would be almost impossible to see a little animated guy on the carrier in this game.  In CFS2 they had a little cartoon guy that popped up on the upper left portion of the screen.  He gave you the signals and you could see him because he was big and right in front of you.

Even in WWII the pilot had to do the majority of the flying and didn't see the LSO until the last 10 seconds or so of the approach.  You had to "get it into the groove" by yourself.  The LSO was just there to help you in the last part of the approach or, more importantly to "wave you off" if there was a problem on the deck and it was unsafe to land.  He was almost like an air traffic controller in that sense.

And that's still the reson to have him, though indeed a controler on tower, giving voice instructions on radio would be most important to do. Especially in jets (try to land the new Cougars by AMT on carrier without opening canopy) landing on carrier without controller is pain in ass.


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Re: Landing Signal Officer for USN, RN, and IJN
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2012, 12:31:31 PM »

you got  like 999 cylinder engines in front of you, and in 99.5 percent the time you cannot spot the LSO till you are right on top of him.
by which time you do not need him any more... you fly by the seat of the pants and decide "goaround" or "catch that wire"

why put an appropriately animated 3D model there? Waste of energy?
i could supply the voces for the Lolwaffle...

AFAIK WW2 carrier aviators put their lifes on his hands. But maybe you know something the rest of us mortals don't know.


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Re: Landing Signal Officer for USN, RN, and IJN
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2012, 02:17:27 PM »

I can see the LSO platform on the fantail of the Lexington and Essex classes pretty well from most of the major US naval fighters...  I use 6DOF, pop the canopy and raise the seat - I suppose that makes a big difference.

LSOs who talked you down on the radio were one of the features we desperately wanted to include in PacFi when it originally shipped, and given how integral they were to naval aircraft ops and how much immersion and life they add to the game, I think it'd be a huge benefit.  I also realize it's not a 5-minute job, which is why I'm willing to chip in with the art aspects I know how to do. :)


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Re: Landing Signal Officer for USN, RN, and IJN
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2012, 02:55:44 PM »

I have it on good authority that this LSO cam does exist and will eventually find it's way to the public. Stay tuned.

If y'all are really serious about getting carrier qualified - or at least somewhat proficient - drop by our site and have a look around. Maybe we can get you squared away.  ;)



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Re: Landing Signal Officer for USN, RN, and IJN
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2012, 05:51:24 PM »

you got  like 999 cylinder engines in front of you, and in 99.5 percent the time you cannot spot the LSO till you are right on top of him.
by which time you do not need him any more... you fly by the seat of the pants and decide "goaround" or "catch that wire"

why put an appropriately animated 3D model there? Waste of energy?
i could supply the voces for the Lolwaffle...

AFAIK WW2 carrier aviators put their lifes on his hands. But maybe you know something the rest of us mortals don't know.

i am talking about our program, about the features we have available (1920x1200x32bit) (6DOF) (60cm screen)
i am talking about the effort to create this visually.
Vs the option to have "audio only" which i consider more useful.
(see Plane Eater's Response)
I am talking about Il-2, about 1946 and about the Mods that go with it.

But thank you for reminding me about this Vital Fact about REAL LIFE that an LSO was, maybe, "sometimes helpful" in getting plane and Pilot back down in one piece.
I aint stupid...
Its good that at least *I* know that.


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Re: Landing Signal Officer for USN, RN, and IJN
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2012, 05:52:29 PM »

I've asked for a cam view at the LSO position before.  The main reason being that in coop missions, the first guy shot down or landed gets to play control tower/LSO.  The problem is that the current carrier-view camera is centered on the carrier and not much help at all.
Even if the camera were behind this guy (Crew Mod 5) it would still be pretty damn good.


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Re: Landing Signal Officer for USN, RN, and IJN
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2012, 05:52:43 PM »

And your efforts good or bad will be graded..................  ???

We end up on a Green Board for the whole Air Group to see................   :(

The LSO view one of our guys created is a nice touch.  There are already LSO's moddeled in game, but getting them to do what they should do is another story.... good luck and I hope your efforts are rewarded with a functioning mod we can all use....... anything is better than having Razor nagging in yer ear about your approach.......





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Re: Landing Signal Officer for USN, RN, and IJN
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2012, 07:05:13 PM »

Hunter, I'd like to create both aspects - the signaling figure on the fantail AND the radio calls.  It's as much an immersion and realism feature, to me, as it is a game mechanic.  I know after 8-ish years most of us can catch the wire without any help, but to me it's really neat to see and hear that LSO doing his work back at the fantail guiding down you and your squadmates at the end of a mission.  Like I said, we wanted to include that for PacFi but... well, PacFi barely happened as it was. ;)

Heck, I'd do the whole deck crew if I could, but the LSO is the one that really, really stands out as "missing".
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