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Author Topic: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6 - update *30/06/2013*  (Read 63544 times)

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Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
« Reply #36 on: August 09, 2012, 12:22:56 AM »

Just two questions.
The date shows 42. I started in 39 and we have the same aircraft and are in the same war, is this down to the map being used?

I can't find "squadron documents" which is a nice way to track what you get up to in the default campaigns, is this something you are able to alter in your campaign?

Either way, this is immense fun! Will stick with it and see what happens, I don't remember what happens when combat ready planes run out, or if the war will ever switch to the next "stage" which is Blitzkrieg iirc.   I am however looking forward to finding out :D

Thanks for the campaign. S!

The 1942 date for allied campaigns is a bug in dgen.exe, dates before june 1941 are working only for Luftwaffe campaigns - don´t know why, but this will be solved with Asuras new dgen.exe project, which is yet wip.

Concerning the squadrons documents, i don´t know, it should be there.



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Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
« Reply #37 on: August 11, 2012, 02:26:17 PM »

Had another weird thing happen in the "Phoney War" (sorry, unable to check right now for correct name)

Flying for the RAF in a Hurricane after one mission debrief I was shown the stats of the war, 41 destroyed, 27 lost. I was unsure if this was the final mission?
I hit apply and fly, was the only Hurricane in the mission, after mission completion I landed and applied, the  next mission loading failed with a map not found error ( I didn't delete it while I was flying over it)

Now I can create no campaing in the first 2 missions, Phoney war and Blitzkrieg, both either crash Dgen or give a blank screen at briefing.

As I have not changed so much as a mod, what could cause this kind of oddness? I assume it is a Dgen error of some kind, as HSFX still works fine and all default campaigns run perfectly.


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Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
« Reply #38 on: August 12, 2012, 08:35:51 AM »

Remebering the other problems you had, i assume that something with your install is wrong, like posted aftere your frist problem report, i recommend to reinstall from scratch - that the stock campaigns are working is no proof, the stock campaigns do not include any mod plane

I had this "Beep" and installing the download from link 1 fixed it, however upon choosing a Spitfire F1 1939* campaign my pc froze.
I exited with CTRL+ALT+DEL and tried again, this time with a Hurricane (default choice in the fake war) this worked instantly.
I exited that and tried the Spitfire F1 1939* again, this time it said "this campaign already exists" It doesn't however :) As my career screen was blank, there were no existing campaigns.

I chose overwrite, yet again the PC froze, it seems to be a problem with the Spitfire F1 1939*.

Would you know what the issue could be?
Incase it makes any difference, my Ranks and Medal names are in Russian in the RAF campaigns (they are English everywhere else.)

Edit, bit late so I will have to be more precise tomorow, but it seems to crash D-gen each time I try a mod spitfire campaign, late versions that I think are Madox models, let me have a Spitfire campaign, the others from 1939-1940 crash the game for me.

Just noticed this, it is the only Error file I have for Dgen.

= DGen (17/04/08) =
seed: 54528402
DGen initialization. Side: gb, Rank: 0
Career ID: Gb5
Inherits France40
ReadDB sorties:1

Can't open Message file DGen\GB_MessageRu.dat



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Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
« Reply #39 on: August 16, 2012, 12:28:08 AM »

I´ve found a bug concerning the loadouts for the Bf 109 G6 Erla and Mid which can crash the campaign - will fix it and update soon


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Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
« Reply #40 on: August 16, 2012, 07:29:22 PM »

Hi Boelcke,
I've found a problem with the early stages of the campaign:
I'm not sure what the LaGG-3 are standing in for (since all the important planes can represent themselves) but I think it should not be in the '39 period of the war. The '41 LaGG-3 might be a sub par plane for the time it came out, but in a '39 setting it outperforms everything that is actually from that time by quite a bit.

I have seen a squadron of 8 Bf-109D-1 that came in with an altitude advantage be butchered by only 4 LaGG-3 with no LaGG lost in combat (in HSFX6 with expert mode). The LaGG-3 is over 60km/h faster and so heavily armored that a short burst with the 4 rifle caliber MGs will likely not be enough to take it out.

If you go further into the campaign the advantage will still be there against the Bf-109E-1 but it will not be as pronounced.


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Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
« Reply #41 on: August 17, 2012, 01:27:30 AM »

LaGG3 stands for the Dewonite 520 - perhaps you´re right, it´s easy to remove it from the missions.


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Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
« Reply #42 on: August 19, 2012, 03:27:03 AM »

I´m just working on the update:

- Fixing the loadout bug for the Bf 109 G6 Erla´s and Mid

- Adding the Fw190 A4 FR to the campaign (thx to TheFruitBat)

- Removed the LaGG3 fake DW 520

I´m just in the process to enrich the DDay campaigns with much more ground objects and adding effects like Arti barrage and fire and somke to the maps to make it more vivid:



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Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
« Reply #43 on: August 24, 2012, 11:11:27 AM »

made some progress with the dday campaign:



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Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
« Reply #44 on: August 24, 2012, 12:02:27 PM »

the whole area is a living battlefield now:



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Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
« Reply #45 on: August 24, 2012, 01:39:13 PM »

 ;) Whoww Boelcke you really shold be nominated "the chevalieur" of IL2 Dinamic Campaigns: your stuff is impressive, complete and really historical correct under all aspect ever.Thank for your hard -free- and "professional" improvement you offer to all community by much time to all us. I wait all this yours late "DD add-on" heagerly to D/L your masterpiece. regards.


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Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
« Reply #46 on: August 24, 2012, 01:41:40 PM »

thx X-Raptor, will be available soon, needs some final poolish :)


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Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
« Reply #47 on: August 25, 2012, 08:30:11 AM »

Sad part is that a "real" D.520 has long been ready as an AI bird but its creators refuse to release it until they finish a proper cockpit for it (and lord knows how long that will be).  C'mon guys, those of us who fly as Germans don't care if the 520 has a pit, just put it out there.  Please.   :)
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