It's been mentioned before and a WIP photo hase been shown.... But now its time to stop teasing you and finally let you in on the fun

Credits are in the download as there are many who have worked hard on these planes.
The Tiffy Mk.Ia is based off of the latest Typhoon Mk.Ib. Only things altered to make this aircraft is the solid rear fairing and the .303 guns (x12)
Tested on 4.09, 4.101, and DBW 1.71HSFX6 without the Mod TT Family (Standard or Expert) work fine ! 
Bravo and thank you ! 
Additional credits:
Friction: Mapping solid Fairing
Texx: Mapping and default skins
.50calBMG: Weapons alignment.
Download the Typhoon Mk.1a (Beta)Known Issues:
On some PCs, you'll see at a certin angle, the crosshair mapping for the machine gun flash on each gun
Cockpit is that of the Tiffy Mk.Ib
Landing gear bay interrior is partially camo. This is due to the location of the fairing on the skin. It overlaps the gear bay mapping some.

There really isnt any need for a entry as it's either loaded with gun ammo, or it's empty. entry is: TyphoonMk1a Typhoon Mk.Ia, 1941

Hi all
This is the skin correction I had promised:
Despite RikenĀ“s best efforts the default skin is not well aligned concerning machinegun barells and gun flashes, neither the shell ejection holes.
With this small skin pack you have this corrected and a bonus skin: the Typhoon Prototype without guns.
FIX FOR UP 2.01 (and other installs if there were problems on loading before) Download this attachment below. THank you SAS~Epervier!