Here I leave maybe one of the best Italian Fiat CR.25 aircraft, but inexplicably thrown away in favor to trash like Breda Ba.88
The Fiat CR.25 was created and developed by Celestino Rossatelli and his team in 1937 as a reconnaissance aircraft capable of long range bombing secondary. Ordered production of 40 units but was only completed a dozen, assigned in 1941 to the 173rd Squadriglia Ricognizione Strategica, operating from Sicily. The production included a version called CR.25bis, far-reaching. The tenth and last device was adapted and used in missions VIP link between Rome and Berlindesignated CR.25D which was confiscated by the Germans after the Italian armistice of 1943, being employed by the Luftwaffe as a trainer until 1944. Note that FIAT proposed developing a prototype for CR.25quater version, which should be equipped with engines 1.175hp. and armed with 20mm Mauser cannon. do not attracted the interest of the Regia Aeronautica. The model was inexplicably relegated CR.25 of the possibilities of mass production orders for multipurpose concept despite its excellent performance in favor of the late Breda some photos:

here the link between Roma-Berlin

Reminds me of the Henschel Hs 129 ....
Technical characteristics:
Type: twin-engine monoplane bomber and reconnaissance.
Country of origin: Italy.
Crew: 2 (or 3 in bombing mission).
Length: 13'56m.
Wingspan: 16m.
Height: 3'30m.
Wing area: 39'20m2.
Empty weight: 4,475 lbs.
Loaded weight: 6,625 lbs. (7950 kgs. As a bomber).
Powerplant: 2 x FIAT A.74 radial RC.38, 840hp unit.
Speed??: 450 km / h. (490 in no-load tests).
Coverage: 1500-2100 kms
Service ceiling: 7,950-9.800m.
Armament: 1 machine gun Breda-Safat of 12'7mm., 3 machine guns 7'7mm. Breda-Safat, 300-500 kgs. pumps.
Production: 10 units.......10 UNITS!!???
If it were possible to fly this bella ragazza, to see their good characteristics and their role in bombing ...

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