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Author Topic: wing fold plus ordinance  (Read 6900 times)

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wing fold plus ordinance
« on: August 09, 2012, 02:49:44 PM »

i have noticed how many of the new mod aircraft dont have this problem, but all the stock aircraft and a few mod aircraft have it. whenever you select an aircraft with folding wings that can carry bombs or rockets and you decide to fold the wings, the external weapons disappear, only to re-appear after they finish unfolding. my request is that someone create a fix to this problem, if at all possible.

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Re: wing fold plus ordinance
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2012, 09:44:38 PM »

I believe the F8F-2 Bearcat keeps it's ordance when wings are folded. Really neat. To bad all a/c are not like that.


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Re: wing fold plus ordinance
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2012, 12:04:42 AM »

yes, it is a pity, but i hope the OP is not seriously requesting we make it for every single plane in game, simply because it's been done for one.......
even if it could be done, it's a seriously heavy amount of work, from what i can see.....
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: wing fold plus ordinance
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2012, 01:18:27 AM »

did the weapon really move when the wings are folded or there are no weapon hanged at the folding parts of the wings?


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Re: wing fold plus ordinance
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2012, 02:57:33 AM »

depends on the weight of the weapon i guess...
1600 lbs bomb on an avenger wing fold mechanism would... fuck up possibly break your wing
4x60 lbs rockets... maybe not.

most needed fix ever.


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Re: wing fold plus ordinance
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2012, 03:25:50 AM »

i have noticed how many of the new mod aircraft dont have this problem, but all the stock aircraft and a few mod aircraft have it. whenever you select an aircraft with folding wings that can carry bombs or rockets and you decide to fold the wings, the external weapons disappear, only to re-appear after they finish unfolding. my request is that someone create a fix to this problem, if at all possible.

just went thru the entire list of DBW1.71.
none, either stock or mod plane keeps the ordinance
-moving with the wings.

i would like to know what specific aircraft are "better". i would like to check them out.

Just out of curiosity... i dont worry about moving Bombs on my wing, or Bombs dissapearing...

Matter of Fact...

except on some of the more sturdy birds a la Skyraider... i doubt that you should be allowed to fold the wings in the first place.
Take a seafire. I doubt they mounted the rockets or Bombs when the wings were folded... and that the wing was allowed to be folded up when the bombs were loaded?
example: Vought AU-1. Loadout 12x250lbs Bombs under the moving wing parts. From "Gut" feeling... i doubt anyone would be allowed to lift 250lbs Bombs 20 feet above ground for attachment to the wing AND then have the wing folded and unfolded for handling on a Carrier Deck.
6x250lbs=1500lbs on each wing (750 kg): does the hydraulic mechanism and the wing handle that?

more Plane (and subvariant!) (and loadout!) and situation (land strip/carrier ops) studies are needed to put this right.

Otherwise , a "global fix" will make planes look as ridiulous as the dissapearing Bombs do now.

.... and it still is a cosmetic issue, does not affect anything but screenshots.


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Re: wing fold plus ordinance
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2012, 03:33:47 AM »

The REAL -unsolved- problem is how to make the ordnance MOVE along with the wing, when such ordnance is on the part of the wing that folds. F8F has no such ordnance, so there is no problem to solve, and it has *nothing* interesting to show to other modders regarding the folding of the wings.

Is it possible to move a hooks with java? hmmmmm


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Re: wing fold plus ordinance
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2012, 09:09:46 AM »

Now, if the gun hooks of a moving 50cals DO move with the turret... it just MUST be possible to make the rest of the hooks MOVE with the wings... what does make gunhooks in turrets so special?

What I do notice is that the hooks "refresh" its position when shot. Thing happen too fast so wouldn't be very clear to notices, but when I experiment with moving missile turret is that hooks respawn at the place where you press the fire trigger.


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Re: wing fold plus ordinance
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2012, 09:18:56 AM »

I'm not sure in real life if ordnance was kept on folded wings.  I haven't scoured the web yet but wouldn't it make sense to mount the ordnance on the wing after it is deployed?  I don't think I've seen any images of ground/carrier crews fixing ordnance on a folded wing.

On the other side of the coin I think as carrier crew (and certainly if I was skipper) you'd want to remove any unexpended ordnance from an aircraft's wing prior to the wing being folded up.  It would be a safety requirement wouldn't it?

If that's the case then the mod doesn't really improve realism as the weapons shouldn't be there to "fold up" so to speak.

EDIT: I stand corrected.....I found one photo of groundcrew loading a rocket on an F4U on its folded wing in 1950.  It looks like they're not having an easy time of it though.


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Re: wing fold plus ordinance
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2012, 11:05:47 AM »

Welll... we need to dig Deep.
i dunno. but i would not like to have to fill a Napalm Tank on a Skyraider in folded position.... wtf?
this opens a can of worms to get right...

is it possible to activate this animation for some loadouts (small Bombs on Wildcat) but to deactivate it for others (Big bombs on Corsairs), depending on what we can confirm?

here a PDF about the wildcat, maybe it helps...


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Re: wing fold plus ordinance
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2012, 01:09:40 PM »

because i would not want to have the planes messed with, when there is Bombs and droptanks under them.
maybe even below deck, in crowded space...
Just plain scares me.
get the planes on deck... get the wings unfolded, the Bombs attached and the goddamned Planes in the air as soon as possible.

Not: below deck unfold, load up, fold (small elevator to flight deck) then unfold, then launch.

but that is Gut feeling. My stomach screaming "nooooo!", Safety concerns and stuff...

any way, i suppose we need to find out
what ordinance can be loaded on a folded wing (then unfold, refold)
what ordinance can not be loade at all on folded wing
what ordinance can be loaded, but is limiting the wings to unfold (bombs too heavy for the mechanism(hydraulics)


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Re: wing fold plus ordinance
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2012, 03:25:48 PM »

sorry guys, guess i should have been more sspecific. I ment that for most planes that the wing folding seems to impact fusalage weapons as well. for example, with the corsair, when the wings are folded, if you have a bomb, tiny tim, or dt mounted on one of the 3 center hardpoints, they disappear. I agree with most of you though regaurding the racks mounted outside the fold point. that would be somewhat odd looking and pointless, although I have seen plenty of pics of F/A-18s with sidewinders on the wingtips  when they're folded.
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