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Author Topic: Skin Downloads: Cliffs of Dover  (Read 71445 times)

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Re: Skin Downloads: Cliffs of Dover
« Reply #36 on: June 22, 2013, 12:26:47 AM »

Bf-110C 6.ZG2 (A2+AL) Guyancourt, France, 1940

Bf-110C 6.ZG2 (A2+AL) ex 3.ZG52 Guyancourt France 1940.
Flown by Hauptman.Eberhard Heinlein  and still sporting the 3./ZG52 unit Badge.
Although this aircraft is widely depicted as having Yellow Fonts and Prop Hub
(as in Screenshot above) BUT Plt Off JRB Meaker informs Me that the
correct Colour shold be Red,so for arguments sake I have included both.
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Re: Skin Downloads: Cliffs of Dover
« Reply #37 on: June 22, 2013, 12:33:06 AM »

Bf 110E1 6.ZG76 (M8+IP) Hans Joachim Jabs WNr 3866 Germany 1940
Born in Lübeck in 1917, Jabs joined the Luftwaffe in 1937. Originally trained as a Messerschmitt Bf 109 pilot, Jabs was posted to Zerstörergeschwader 76 (ZG 76), flying the Messerschmitt Bf 110, in March 1940.
A member of II./ZG 76, Jabs operated over France in mid 1940, claiming four French aircraft and RAF fighters. He then flew over the British Isles during the Battle of Britain. Despite the vulnerability of the Bf 110 against the more nimble Royal Air Force (RAF) aircraft, and the heavy losses incurred, Jabs claimed eight Spitfires and four Hurricanes destroyed. By the end of the year Jabs was one of the top scoring Zestörer (destroyer) pilots, with 16 victories.
In 1941 the majority of the Bf 110 units were withdrawn from daylight fighting, and Jabs was transferred to night fighting and Defense of the Reich. Retrained by October 1941, Jabs joined Nachtjagdgeschwader 3 stationed near Hamburg, protecting the port and Kriegsmarine installations. Opportunities for scoring remained elusive however, with just one more kill by June 1942. In November 1942 he transferred to IV./NJG 1. By January 1944 he had 45 kills to his credit, and in March 1944 became NJG 1 Geschwaderkommodore.
On 29 April 1944 his Bf 110-G night fighter was caught on a daylight air test by a flight of six Spitfires from No. 132 Squadron RAF, led by Squadron Leader Geoffrey Page (an ace with 15 kills). The Spitfires came in at too high a speed and Jabs shot down one Spitfire, flown by P/O R. B. Pullin, which went down in flames, killing the pilot. Another Spitfire flown by F/O J.J. Caulton then attacked Jabs head on, though the heavy forward armament of the 110 took effect and the stricken Spitfire glided around and belly-landed onto Deelen Air Base. Jabs then conducted a surprise forced landing, quickly scrambling for cover before his aircraft was destroyed by strafing.
Hans-Joachim Jabs was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves (Eichenlaub zum Ritterkreuz des Einsernen Kreuzes) on 24 March 1944. He remained Kommodore of Nachjagdgeschwader 1 until the end of the war. He ended his career as an Oberstleutnant with 50 kills to his credit, 22 of these being day victories against Allied fighters technically far superior to his Bf 110. Jabs flew a total of 710 missions.

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Re: Skin Downloads: Cliffs of Dover
« Reply #38 on: August 25, 2013, 02:32:37 AM »

A lot of outstanding artwork there checkmysix, thank you very much for posting. 8)

Been a long while since I fired up Cliffs of Dover, guess it is time l blow the dust off it and try out those gorgeous skins. ;)

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Skin Downloads: Cliffs of Dover
« Reply #39 on: September 17, 2013, 08:21:45 PM »

Now that's Cliffs of Dover skinning at it's best!  :o
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Re: Skin Downloads: Cliffs of Dover
« Reply #40 on: September 29, 2013, 11:25:38 PM »

 ;D Thanks a lot Pete and HotelAlpha200
for the great feedback ;D ;D
More on the way soon.
Keith ;)


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Re: Skin Downloads: Cliffs of Dover
« Reply #41 on: September 29, 2013, 11:38:15 PM »

Spitfires Mk-I Skinpack [x18] of 609 Squadron,Battle of Britain.1940
Hi Guys
I have just completed this skinpack for 609 Squadron Spitfires.
there are 18 and they all have individual Aircraft Codes and serial
Codes and are painted in both A & B Camouflage Pattern.
Amongst the Featured Crates are those flown by:
John Dundas D.F.C & Bar
Alfred Keith "Skeets" Ogilvie, D.F.C
Tadeusz S.Nowierski [x2]
David Crook
Noel Le Chevalier Agazarian
Frank J.Howell

B.T.W..Big Thank You to Team Fusion for the excellent 3.0 Mod which removes that Awful
forced Weathering and now we can use the FMB in Game Weather Sliders  to properly Weather the Spitfire[as shown below]

DOWNLOAD:      https://www.mediafire.com/download/qkfut336p8i1680/Spitfire_609_Sq_SKINPACK.rar


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Re: Skin Downloads: Cliffs of Dover
« Reply #42 on: September 29, 2013, 11:47:47 PM »

Spitfire MK-I..AZ-D of 234 Sq flown by Bob Doe.1940

Bob Doe...D.S.O\ D.F.C & Bar
If there was a pilot who hid his light under a bushel, it was Bob Doe. Doe ended the Battle of Britain as the third most successful fighter pilot in the Battle, with 14 victories to his credit. His extraordinary modesty and reticent nature inevitably meant that his name is less well known than some of the stars of the Battle.
Doe struggled to meet the requirements of a pre-war pilot. Initially he lacked confidence. He disliked aerobatics.
His battle started on August 15th at Middle Wallop where he was flying a Spitfire on 234 Squadron.
He wrote later that, on his first operational flight, he was filled with dread. But the fear of being a coward overcame that of being killed. He pressed on. On this, his first trip, he managed to score a victory over a Me110 near Swanage.
 On the following days he shot down several German aircraft including a Me109, a Ju88and a Do17. By the end of the month he had destroyed five enemy aircraft.
On September 4th, his Squadron intercepted a large group of Me109s. In the ensuing melee, Doe shot down no less than 3 of the German fighters. Still his record persisted.
A few days later he shot down several more enemy aircraft. The continuous fighting had, however, led to severe losses on the Squadron.
Having started with 15 pilots, there were only three of the original lot left by the middle of the month. Doe went on to join 238 Squadron as a Flight Commander. He managed to score several more victories before being shot down himself and being quite severely wounded. Parachuting from his stricken aircraft, he landed in a sewage plant which must, at least, have broken his fall.
Having recovered from his wounds, in January 1941, he was on a night flight, but suffered an engine failure. He succeeded in force landing his plane but he smashed his face when his harness broke. Doe had to endure a number of painful operations under the skilful surgeon Sir Harold Gillies. Having had his face rebuilt, he was rested.
However, subsequently he went out to India and formed a new squadron of the Indian Air Force. He flew as its Commanding Officer in the Burma campaign. For that he received the DSO, to add to his DFC and Bar.
Doe, the son of a gardener, had left school at the age 14, when he had appeared to be a somewhat sickly boy.
This extremely modest man ended up an outstanding leader of men and an amazingly brave and successful pilot. To top it all he was, apparently, a most agreeable character. He died  in February 2010, at the age of 89.[info from battleofbritainblog.com]

Bob's Spitfire living up to its Name.

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Re: Skin Downloads: Cliffs of Dover
« Reply #43 on: September 29, 2013, 11:52:37 PM »

Hurricane Mk-I_Douglas Bader & Willie McKnight of 242 Squadron.1940


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Re: Skin Downloads: Cliffs of Dover
« Reply #44 on: September 29, 2013, 11:57:28 PM »

Hurricane LK-A of 87 Squadron flown By Ian Gleed.1940

LK-A   Sporting the "Figaro" Cat Motif from Disney's Pinocchio clawing a Swastika
with Blood soaked Paw.

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Re: Skin Downloads: Cliffs of Dover
« Reply #45 on: September 30, 2013, 12:01:31 AM »

Junkers Ju 88 A-14 KG 77 Lt. Johannes Geismann,1942

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Re: Skin Downloads: Cliffs of Dover
« Reply #46 on: September 30, 2013, 12:05:54 AM »

Vickers Wellingtons of 149 Sqn based at Mildenhall.1940
Featured Aircraft are:
OJ-F P2517
OJ-D P9248
OJ-E R3160
OJ-O T2897
OJ-W P9245
OJ-N  P9273

Download:    https://www.mediafire.com/download/hb1wp4j6x8x4sxb/Wellingtons_Of_149_Sq.rar


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Re: Skin Downloads: Cliffs of Dover
« Reply #47 on: September 30, 2013, 12:17:49 AM »

Captured Hurricane DG+SC
Hurricane Mk-I. German Markings DG+SC This aircraft would have been used to analyse and evaluate
the Hurricane's strenghts and weakness in combat so as to give the Luftwaffe Pilots an edge when confronted with a Hurricane for real.
This was done with All captured Enemy Aircraft by both sides.
And sometimes a captured plane would be used to get amongst enemy aircraft as
the Silhouette would allow them to get close enough for Hit & Run attacks[but this was a very rare and risky tactic].
Based on the image Below I came up with this skin.
There is no colour Photograph of this Aircraft so this
is as accurate as I can get.
Keith ;)

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