backup your files!!
i think:
if you want a Mod plane to be used by DCG, you need to have the plane to be EVERYWHERE in the DCG Folder / Data Folder:
--> BF_109E7N=1default.bmp/1default.bmp
-->A_20B3 B 4x250lbs
-->P_38J15LO P-38J-15-LO Lightning us 1 4 1 194312 194406 P_38L5LO P-38J-15-LO P_38J 7620 Meters 318.00 kph Default 531.00 kph
-->CantZ1007bis 12x100 default none none 2x500+1x250x2wing default
For you its easier to use the Cde of the Do-17 or 217K ...
also: when i changed the masters of normandy44, i wanted to fly a typhoon.
when i run a new career, i must in the beginning of the campaign creation change the first (PLAYER) Sqn to use Typhoon instead of SpitfireIXc in the Sqn Editor Panel
I think that is normal because DCG does not know what plane you want and choses a plane that is appropriate for the nation and the year.