...no point to do this, better use 1024 textures and have the same result with better game performance and quality
You are wrong, a good artist can add small detailed pictures into one large 2048.
I tried getting a good result, but I'm not an artist.
The specialist will do better.
P.S But everyone has a choice, or 1024 or 2048 texture.
You do not like 2048, please, this is your right.
Yes, very well said Carmaster. I am glad we are thinking on the same ideas and looking at
all the available possibilities.
You see things that most people often don’t see. You are a true artist-modder.
Some of you newer guys that have never used a program like Photoshop are only looking at the "small picture"...
I say, look more towards the horizon, see the BIG picture and everything around you.
Open your eyes and see and create all the possibilities that can be created and not think small.
Nothing is impossible, even if it is "totally impossible", at least you have tried it and see if it
works. Otherwise, you will never know if it’s possible or impossible.
Saying the word "impossible" is like never believing in yourself and what you can really do in this life.
If a person with no legs and no arms swims and crosses the English Channel waters, then nothing is impossible in
this life.
Never wait for everything to be handed to you on a plate "already made". That is wrong.
That is the 21st century way of thinking and people always getting used to having and buying everything already
made for them. All I hear sometimes is “give me, give me, give me!”
Nothing happens without people working for it.
Sometimes you have to create things yourself for the real Magic to Happen.
Just like it took along time for the creation of this new Mod to be realized. Now that it is made, it is up to each of
us to get together and create things for it.
No man is an island and no one here is alone. If we work together, then our dreams will come true much better and
much faster.
Otherwise, we will have to wait another year or 2 years for the dreams to come true.
Like I said and suggested before,
using a collection of screenshots (even 800x600 screenshots) taken of the same map area at about 75 meters height
(taken from the website Flashearth) and then piecing each photo together in Photoshop (or other image program) and
slowly merge and blend each photo together, you can have a 2048x2048 hi-resolution ground texture to use for the
IL-2 game maps. I believe this might work great.
I am not a map-maker but I know very well what those cool map-making-Artists can be able to do using a few well
made images. They are Artists of the highest degree and I admire their artworks very much. Each map you fly over
in this game is a work of Art!
They piece the images together with other images to create magical landscapes never before seen in this game before or
any other flight-sim game .
Always Look at the BIG picture and all the possibilities that can be created.
Here is an example for you...
A few years back at the AAS forum there was a WW1 map in the works and I wanted to help out, but no one wanted to
listen to me. I really wanted to help out the guys create the most spectacular WW1 map ever for a flight-sim game.
Even better than RoF! Their airplanes are very good indeed , but the WW1 map they fly over is just embarrassing.
Later as the months passed, here at SAS and Ultrapack I was granted the wish to work out a WW1 “No Man’s Land” map
area to be used in UP~Boomer/AshesHouse/EasyRider new WW1-Somme map. I researched the trenches of WW1 from
aerial photos and Army manuals on how they were really like.
The image I created was pieced together from about 6 different image sources. The Sahara desert, southern Turkey ,
Iraq, the Moon and a few other bizarre places. I painted in the craters and trenches into that little map. Those trenches are exactly 1-pixel wide lines, with some effects I added to make them more realistic. After that map was blended into the
already made larger map by UP~Boomer , it became part of the overall landscape. It became the most original and
realistic looking WW1 map ever created.
UP~Boomer is a true master Artist at creating those realistic looking maps. Its Art and great eye-candy . So nothing is
impossible. Even small 1-pixel-wide-lines on a map can become
believable WW1 trenches and a “No Man´s Land” area.
Now imagine the possibilities on a larger scale 2048x2048 image?
Imagine for a minute,
that you can put different images together to create one larger sized picture, paint in a few blown-up tanks and
battlefield debris… place in it a few dead horses and dead cows… place randomly a few dead soldiers around the map.
Use your imagination!
The possibilities to creating a hi-resolution map is tremendous.
And when you fly over that countryside, you will notice what is down below your airplane.
You will want to circle back around and investigate that battlefield. To see up close the blown-up tank parts on
that battlefield, the dead horses and cannons destroyed.
Use your imagination and create those dreams that you have inside your mind to come true.
Make the dreams come true…because in this life it is difficult to buy everything already made, some times you
have to make them yourself for those dreams to come true.
So, never say nothing is impossible... until you have tried.
ANYTHING is possible, you just have to use your imagination and the artistic abilities you have and create them.
Make those dreams come true!