When unzipping "CMR_BESSARABIA_2048.part1.rar" from the download link you posted I get an "Data Error" using 7zip at "CMR BESSARABIA 2048\maps\_Tex\land\summer\CMR_rom_fields_LowLand1.tgb".
Properties for this file "CMR_rom_fields_LowLand1.tgb" are:
Size=7.95 MB (8,344,845 bytes)
Size on Disk=7.96 MB (8,347,648 bytes)
Modified on ?Tuesday, ?March ?27, ?2012, ??8:11:16 PM
This download is still not correct and should be:
Size=12.0 MB (12,582,956 bytes)
Size on Disk=12.0 MB (12,587,008 bytes)
When unzipping "CMR_BESSARABIA_2048.part2.rar" from the download link you posted I also get an "Data Error" using 7zip at "CMR BESSARABIA 2048\maps\_Tex\land\summer\CMR_rom_fields_LowLand1.tgb".
Properties for this file "CMR_rom_fields_LowLand1.tgb" are:
Size=0 MB (0 bytes)
Size on Disk=0 MB (0 bytes)
Modified on Tuesday, ?March ?27, ?2012, ??8:11:16 PM
"CMR_BESSARABIA_2048.part2.rar" file has 0kb properties for "CMR BESSARABIA 2048\maps\_Tex\land\summer\CMR_rom_fields_LowLand1.tgb" which overwrites the first one.
I still had to copy/paste and rename a "CMR_rom_fields_LowLand2.tgb" file and replace the original "CMR_rom_fields_LowLand1.tgb" with the "CMR_rom_fields_LowLand2.tgb" image to correct the load.ini error when starting the map IL-2.
Basiclly, I need a good "CMR_rom_fields_LowLand1.tgb" file to have the correct map plate now.
Thank you sir.