You can see here another person that created a post in October 2011.,19145.0.htmlI will repeat one more time.
This video was posted for the first time in 2005, before 1946 release. I think his youtube account was hacked in 2010 and he decided to publish again those videos.
The author Kegetys is well known for some mods (no ssao mod, some AI flyable planes, ...) and SFS extracor for ClODo (Cliffs of Dover).
You can check the plane is MS-406 or MS-410 but this is not the cockpit used by modpacks since 4.08/4.09 game version modpacks.
This person was emailed by Oleg himself to stop modding and to delete all mods and tools related to IL-2 series games.
Sometimes Kegetys works very fast and creates some tools for specific games.
e.g. "No ssao" and some "FPS friendly mods" mod for ClODo game were released in less than one week after game release date.
In my opinion, he is the first person (except 1C team and Daidalos Team) to create modding tools, then mods.
If I remember, in 2005, the latest version was 3.04 or 4.01, try to imagine that now mods packs use from 4.08 (AAA mod packs then to 4.09) to 4.11 versions (HSFX 6) via 4.09 (Checksix and UP2 modpacks, both 4.08 and 4.09) and 4.10 (UP3 and HSFX 5 modpacks).
This is not the first time that this request is posted on this forum (or elsewhere) but now you have an idea of the possibilities of IL-2 series games, probably 1C and Maddox Teams will use this "mod" to be able to move between vehicles, AAA units, tanks and planes to create a kind of "Battlefield" version of ClODo.
P.S. I use ClODo instead of COD because COD means Call Of Duty and in my language (just using phonemes, I don't know how to spell this word), this is a kind of argot to say "homeless" because the game was not a good success. This game was dedicated for best computers only and for release date, there were some lack in the content. A lot of people were disappointed and refuse to buy the game, so the game couldn't reach homes, this is the reason in my language some people use this term for Cliffs Of Dover.