Thanks for the reply mate, have not had time to try the Vildebeest, will give it a go tonight (so many mods coming out its hard to keep track), but it definately sounds promising.
Really like the idea of a marker flare, thats something that could be really usefull at night, if it doubles as an illumination flare then that would be perfect.
If so do you think you may be able to add some marker flares/illuminators to some of the nightbombers that would have historically carried them please? Thinking of the Lancaster,Wellington,Halifax,Mosquito,Ju-88A-4,Ju-188A,HE111.
They would be extremley usefull for night missions, i realise that some already have these loadouts, the Wellington for example, but it only carries 6 flares and no offensive armament in the way of bombs aswell, plus as stated above the flares are only visible fairly close to the ground.
Would love to see some mixed loads of marker flares, illuminators, bombs incendiarys for the NightBombers maybe even smoke markers.
I have a book called 'Bombs Gone' about the history of British bombs and pyrotechnics if at all it is any use.