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Author Topic: The "Golden Age" of Aviation (1920 - 1935)  (Read 46631 times)

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Col. King

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Re: The "Golden Age" of Aviation (1920 - 1935)
« Reply #72 on: September 11, 2012, 09:43:17 PM »

Bellinoo!! :)


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Re: The "Golden Age" of Aviation (1920 - 1935)
« Reply #73 on: September 11, 2012, 10:17:48 PM »

That looks very nice. It reminds me of the first passenger airplanes used right after WW1.

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Re: The "Golden Age" of Aviation (1920 - 1935)
« Reply #74 on: September 12, 2012, 04:59:21 AM »

Hi Col. King,

Now you've gone and put things into my head.

Started thinking about a map NewYork with skycrapers spicifically for that scene from King Kong.

What biplanes were they weren't they a curtis of some kind painted up in the typical 30's silver yellow and cowl red schemes.?

Might have to ad one map in for this project he he



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Re: The "Golden Age" of Aviation (1920 - 1935)
« Reply #75 on: September 12, 2012, 05:05:33 AM »

heheheh of course it's the updated Vildebeest Mk.III, but general lines and perceived dimensions reminds me the Colt :)

now we have a civil passenger plane :D tadaaah!

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Re: The "Golden Age" of Aviation (1920 - 1935)
« Reply #76 on: September 12, 2012, 05:09:08 AM »

Hi Col. King,

Now you've gone and put things into my head.

Started thinking about a map NewYork with skycrapers spicifically for that scene from King Kong.

What biplanes were they weren't they a curtis of some kind painted up in the typical 30's silver yellow and cowl red schemes.?

Might have to ad one map in for this project he he


I will answer for my husband, Col. King...
He was always one of the most enthusiastic fans of a US Map for IL-2, expecially San Francisco and New York cities. And he always kidding about recreating for IL-2 that famous scene from the film King Kong on the top of the Empire States Building, with aeroplanes attacking him. In his kidding he said he would like to see me as the blondie girl in the hands of Kong...
OK, I offer myself to play that role ;)
If someone wants to make a mod out of me I can provide some pictures of my younger days, when I was about 20... ;)
here only one. September 22nd, 1998. It was my 19th birthday. Some months before Douglas and I met.

I don't want to hijack the thread. Posting this only for "modding purposes" (and joking, obviously).


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Re: The "Golden Age" of Aviation (1920 - 1935)
« Reply #77 on: September 12, 2012, 07:03:44 AM »

Hi Lady Lara for Col. King.

So the secrets out he he.  :D ;)

Col King is a  huge King Kong fan from the sounds of it.

It's still in the reality of a Golden Age era.  ;D

Lots of other interesting ideas there for early 30's US style Army vehicles especially a drivable one like the jeep with a 30 cal mounted on the back.

Switch from flying a curtis to try and shoot Kong off the Empire State building from the street.


Col. King

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Re: The "Golden Age" of Aviation (1920 - 1935)
« Reply #78 on: September 12, 2012, 08:09:08 AM »


I can't sleep more than usual, and someone starts "mischieffing". Laraaaa! You "bischera" ! 

Ok true, I really am a fan of King Kong and all those "pulp-fiction" style movies. I have a dvd copy of the first King Kong from 1933, and of course of the latest one. ( I despise the 1970ies trilogy, that was crap).

If I remember correctly, there was someone that started a SF map, a couple of years ago, but seems that project was dropped.  I see the same difficulties for an eventual NY map... But hope is the last thing to die....

I agree with you, Farang. It would be great to have some US maps to fly (we do have the Grand Canyon and Pensacola, but the lack of San Francisco and New York is really something "disturbing"). I really hope we'll get something in the future. Every dog needs a bone to chew, from time to time... :)


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Re: The "Golden Age" of Aviation (1920 - 1935)
« Reply #79 on: September 12, 2012, 09:11:17 AM »

No you must not to shoot him King Kong  :( i will sit on his shoulder with big chain gun and defended him from paper airplanes, they will see who is king for sure ;)


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Re: The "Golden Age" of Aviation (1920 - 1935)
« Reply #80 on: September 12, 2012, 01:58:19 PM »

New York, New Yoooork!  :D



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Re: The "Golden Age" of Aviation (1920 - 1935)
« Reply #81 on: September 12, 2012, 04:15:55 PM »

I do believe you mean this plane from King Kong? It's in the museum portion of Peter Jackson's Vintage Aviator Ltd. The museum is known as the Old Stick and Rudder Co. There are more photographs of this aircraft on Flickr, but this person has, by far the best collection of photos from the museum.


That by the way, is the replica Helldiver built for King Kong.


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Re: The "Golden Age" of Aviation (1920 - 1935)
« Reply #82 on: September 12, 2012, 06:12:24 PM »

AAHA!  8) You like old movies like King Kong? Welcome to the club man!
I am a HUGE fan of old vintage films, all sorts, but specially the old B-movies, of which the original
King Kong is also part of. Yeah, I also have it on DVD with the more recent Peter Jackson version.
They are still great fun to watch.
As for the late 1970´s version, I am also in agreement with you as it was not the best re-make. But a
guy must admit, that they tried their best at making the worlds largest fur-robot!!  ;D AAAHAHAHAH!
That thing was gigantic!
It was also a bit silly having the monkey climb the Twin Towers instead of
the classic Empire State building like in the first film too. Oh well, its another monkey movie.
Recent breakthroughs for the IL-2 modded game was that taller buildings and even tall skyscrapers
can now  be added to the cities you create on your maps. So a big city can be created now.
I am not sure who would have the patience and time on their hands to create a miniature New York City for
 a IL-2 map tho?? It is just one big big big city.
I used to live very close to the big apple. It will probably take you a few years to make a city that size for
this game. I am not even sure if the IL-2 game can handle a large amount of objects for such a landscape city
of this size.

If it´s possible then give it a try. Perhaps later someone will be able to make  big 3-d model of a gorilla and
a little 3-d model of Lara to play the part of the damsel in distress at the mercy of "Kong". :D

... and here is something that you might also like to see... Zeppelins. Many of them used to cross the NY city
coming from their journeys across the Atlantic and then after passing over the city, they flew to New Jersey just
across the river, and landed in a nearby zeppelin airfield.
On that airfield the Hindenburg blew up.
Maybe one day a zeppelin can be created for the IL-2 Golden Era of Aviation mod and also for the DBW-1916 mod-game.

Having seen the immense possibilities that this game can still have, anything is possible!

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Re: The "Golden Age" of Aviation (1920 - 1935)
« Reply #83 on: September 12, 2012, 07:03:48 PM »

I know this is off topic, but I would love to fly thru a mile long corridor made of NYC skyscrapers.  One twitch of the stick and you are history.  Very cool.  8)
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