...so whats wrong with something like this?...
well, nothing wrong, Gustav, it's only that through the static.ini you can get only objects composed of a single and unique mesh.
If the object is composed of more meshes, it will appear in your FMB window but you'll not be allowed to apply it on a map.
If you want to try, it's an interesting (but frustrating) experience...
Add to the static.ini the following lines, at the end of file, before "STATIC.INI INFO NEEDS TO BE ADDED ABOVE THIS SECTION" (it won't screw your install, promised
) - the M4A2 is a stock tank, made of different meshes: body, gun, head.
Title M4A2
MeshLive 3do/Tanks/M4A2/Summer/hier.him
MeshDead 3do/Tanks/M4A2/Summer/hier.him
AlignToLand 1
Body FuelSmall // FIXME: need special type 'Vehicle'
Panzer 0.005then go in Il2, load a map, choose the object in the FMB window (it will be the last), put it in the map...and...nothing. Impossible.
At present the only way that I know to have a model as static object is to gather the main meshes of the model in a single mesh with a 3d program.
Therefore, this means that if we want a wreck, let's say of a ship, as static object, we must reduce all the damage meshes (the dmg.msh) in a single mesh.