Don´t feel too bad about it guys, this is how the airplane really was in real life too. Very slow.
Just this past week I was reading a book about the Fokker E.I and E.II and how can I make our
E.III model into an earlier version. Perhaps I can re-paint the skin-template (and skins) of a
Fokker E.III to look like an E.I or E.II version, without changing anything in the original model.
After reading the book all I can say is that the E.I and E.II were only diferent from the size of
the wings. The earlier versions had shorter wings that were just a few inches shorter but all
model versions used the same airplane frame. The main diference in all these aircraft were the
engines and their power. The motor engines looked the same, but the power
was very diferent from the E.I to E.II and E.III.
This is the book I was reading... great WW1 German ace Immelmann wrote to Anthony Fokker a letter on how he was very
excited on shooting down his first enemy airplane while flying his Eindecker equipped with the revolutionary machine-gun shooting through the propeller, it was the first enemy airplane shot down
in this manner. He also wrote asking Anthony Fokker to please make this airplane faster.
He wanted a bigger and faster motor in it because at times he found it
very dificult to approach the enemy from behind to shoot at it. He was getting upset that his
Eindecker took so long to fly up into the sky to engage the enemy airplanes, that many times he
just saw the British airplanes fly away and not get a chance to fight them.
This is a true fact and a true letter that exists.
Even though this airplane made famous the so-called "Fokker-Scourge" over the battlefields of
WW1 and many allied pilots were afraid to engage such a machine in combat, it was really not
a super-plane.
We have to remember that this was just the beggining of the Great War and
many aircraft were still in the very early developement stages in airplane design. Motor engines were
still in its infancy too.
Just 15 years earlier from this time, the Wright Brothers flew the FIRST airplane in the world! ...and
that thing was not very fast
So this Eindecker was the latest in airplane innovation at the beggining of World War One.
Only a few years later would the skies become really ferocious with fast flying
aircraft and heavy machine guns, but at this time when the Fokker Eindecker flew, there were still
pilots shooting at each other with shot-guns and hand-pistols... some even threw bricks at each other!
I am not joking, its true. We still need a mod for that... Brick throwing pilots!