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Author Topic: The Full Monty  (Read 322233 times)

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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #768 on: February 03, 2013, 12:55:45 PM »

Your welcome, I put together some screens that may explain the file structure better than my feeble explanation.  A picture is worth a thousand words.

Main Game Drive

Hope the illustrations help some.




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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #769 on: February 03, 2013, 01:55:28 PM »

And you can play UP, DBW or HSFX when you want? awesome ! I should do that  :P


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #770 on: February 03, 2013, 02:34:06 PM »

Yes, I just go into the corresponding folder and send the il2.exe to desktop, and rename it to the version of the game I want to play.  I have DBW, UP3, HSFX, and ModAct 4.  So if I screw one of them up I still have the other three intact.  I always back up the DBW/Mods folder for each of the games. 

That's why I always tell people when building a system or on existing systems that storage is just as important as CPU/GPU/RAM, If you need to reformat your OS drive you never lose your games on the storage drive.  I have a SSD for OS, a games drive and a storage drive.  And the way I screw the game up I need them, it speeds up the repair by 1000%.  I also have 4.10.1 and 4.11.1 on the storage drive, I just copy over those clean versions and Mod them with what ever flavor it was I screwed up........



ol' Navy

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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #771 on: February 03, 2013, 04:02:41 PM »

You can build a TFM in two ways, doing it via jsgme or just take the vanilla #DBW folder and dropping the mods in one at a time and starting the game to see if it works.  First disable all the jsgme mods and put a dash in front of your #DBW folder  (-#DBW) this way you can leave your mods intact and not have to rebuild your current DBW folder if you want to go back to it.  With the dash (-) in front it disables that folder.  Put the new #DBW folder in your root il2 folder, you can put all the TFM folders into your jsgme folder and enable them that way, or do the direct over write method, and use the jsgme to enable Forgotten Countries, ecran wide, TIR....etc...

Make sure you over right packs 11, 12 and 13 with their patches before you drop them into the jsgme or overwrite method.  I know TFM pack #1 has been a problem for some people because the .rc file is not correct, there is a patch for that one too people forget to download, or it's just forgotten.

My .rc file:
Code: [Select]
@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdParam NAME param \
HELP param <name of command> [<name param> [<value>]]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdLoad NAME load \
  load <full class name> \n \
\t[NAME <command name>] \n \
\t[HELP <help string>] \n \
\t[PARAM <name param> [<value>]]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdLoad NAME unload \
HELP unload <command name>
@param unload DELETE on

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdFile NAME file PARAM CURENV on \
HELP file <file name of list commans> [BREAK] - in current environment

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdFile NAME f \
HELP f <file name of list commans> [BREAK] - in new environment

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSet NAME set \
HELP set <name of atom> <string>

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSet NAME del PARAM REMOVE on \
HELP del <name of atom>

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdShow NAME show \
HELP show [<pattern of name atoms>] [AREA <name of area>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdShow NAME history PARAM HISTORY on \
HELP history

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHelp NAME help PARAM SIZE 10 WIDTH 60 \
HELP help [<pattern of commands>] [NAMES] [SIZE <size of colons>] [WIDTH <width>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHelp NAME ? PARAM SIZE 10 WIDTH 60 \
HELP ? [<pattern of commands>] [NAMES] [SIZE <size of colons>] [WIDTH <width>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdAlias NAME alias \
HELP alias [<name> <string>] | [<name> REMOVE]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHotKey NAME hotkey \
HELP hotkey [<hot key> CMD <command>] [ENV [<environment>]] [CMDRUN [<cmdrun>] [REALTIME]]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHotKeyCmd NAME hotkeycmd \
HELP hotkeycmd [ENV [<environment>]] [EXEC <name> [TIME <sec>]] [START <name>] [STOP <name>]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdActorSpawn NAME spawn \
  spawn <actor class name> \n \
\t[NAME <name>] [POSP <position>] [POSO <orientation>] \n \
\t[BASED <actor name for calculate position and orientation>] \n \
\t[BASE <name base actor>] [HOOK <name hook base actor>] \n \
\t[OWNER <name owner actor>] \n \
\t[ICON <icon name>] [MESH <mesh name>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdTimeout NAME timeout \
HELP timeout <timeout in ms> <command name> [<params>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdConsole NAME console0 \
  console0 [WRAP [on|off]] [PAGE [<size>]] [PAUSE [on|off]] [CLEAR] \n \
\t[HISTORY [<size>]] [HISTORYCMD [<size>]] [LOG [on|off]] [LOGTIME [on|off]] \n \
\t[LOGFILE [<file name>]] [LOAD <file name>] [SAVE <file name>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdConsole NAME console \
  console [CLEAR] [HISTORY [<size>]] [HISTORYCMD [<size>]] \n \
\t[LOG [on|off]] [LOGFILE [<file name>]] [LOAD <file name>] [SAVE <file name>]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdFObj NAME fobj \
HELP fobj [mask] [RELOAD]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSFS NAME sfs \
HELP sfs [MOUNT <lib name> [<as path>]] [UNMOUNT <lib name>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdGC NAME GC

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdPreload NAME preload \
HELP preload [<name of resource>] [SAVE <file name>] [REGISTER] [NOREGISTER] [CLEAR]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdWindow NAME window \
HELP window [<width> [<height> [<bpp> [<stencilbits>]]]] [FULL] [PROVIDER <name.dll>]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdFov NAME fov \
HELP fov [<angle>]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdMission NAME mission \
HELP mission [LOAD <name>] [BEGIN] [END] [DESTROY]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdTOD NAME tod \
HELP tod [<hour.min>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSocket NAME socket \
 <empty>          (list protocols)\n \
 LISTENER [<0|1>] (enable/disable connect from remote hosts)\n \
 JOIN [BREAK]     (show status join/ break join)\n \
 <protocol>       (list sockets)\n \
 <protocol> CREATE [[LOCAL]HOST <nm>] [[LOCAL]PORT <n>] [CHANNELS <n>] [SPEED <n>]\n \
 <protocol> CHANNELS <n> [SPEED <n>] [[LOCAL]HOST <nm>] [[LOCAL]PORT <n>] \n \
 <protocol> SPEED <n> [CHANNELS <n>] [[LOCAL]HOST <nm>] [[LOCAL]PORT <n>] \n \
 <protocol> DESTROY [LOCALHOST <nm>] LOCALPORT <n> [HOST <nm>] [PORT <n>]\n \
 <protocol> JOIN [LOCALHOST <nm>] [LOCALPORT <n>] HOST <nm> [PORT <n>] [SPEED <n>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSocks NAME socks \
HELP socks [ON|OFF] [HOST <socks host addr>] [PORT <socks host port>] [USER <user name>] [PWD <password>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdChannel NAME channel \
 <empty>  (list channels)\n \
 <number> [DESTROY] [SPEED <b/s>] [TIMEOUT <sec>] [STAT <sec>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHost NAME host \
 <empty>  (list hosts)\n \
 PATH   (list pathes)\n \
 <name> (rename local host)

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdUser NAME user \
HELP [<name>|<*>] [# <N>] [ARMY <N>|<name>] [STAT]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdKick NAME kick \
HELP <name>

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdKickN NAME kick# \

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdBanned NAME ban \
 [ADD] [REM] [NAME [<name>]] [PATTERN [<pattern>]] [IP [<ip mask>]]\n \
 [CLEAR] [LOAD [<file name>]] [SAVE [<file name>]]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdChat NAME chat \
HELP <message> [ALL] [MY_ARMY] [TO# <N>] [TO <name>|<*>] [ARMY <N>|<name>]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdRadio0 NAME rch \

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdRadio NAME radio \
HELP radio [<name>] [NONE] [COMMON] [ARMY] [LIST]

@load com.maddox.sound.CmdMusic NAME music \
HELP music [PLAY] [STOP] [BREAK] [VOL] [PATH <randpathname>] [FILE <filename>]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdDotRange NAME mp_dotrange \
HELP mp_dotrange [FRIENDLY|FOE] [DEFAULT] [COLOR <km>] [DOT <km>] [RANGE <km>] [TYPE <km>] [ID <km>] [NAME <km>]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdFPS NAME fps \

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdSpeedBar NAME speedbar \
HELP speedbar [SHOW|HIDE]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdExtraOcclusion NAME extraocclusion \
HELP extraocclusion [ON|OFF]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdSaveWeapons

@sfs MOUNT fb_3do.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do08p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do09p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do10p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do11p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do12.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do12p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do13.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do13p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do14.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do14p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do15.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do16.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do16p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do17.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do18.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do19.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do20.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do21.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do22.sfs

@sfs MOUNT up_planes01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_planes02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_planes03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_planes04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_planes05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_planes06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_planes07.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_09.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_planes_10.sfs

@sfs MOUNT up_cockpits01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_cockpits02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_cockpits03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_cockpits04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_cockpits05.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_09.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_10.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_12.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_13.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_14.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_ckpts_15.sfs

@sfs MOUNT fb_maps.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps07p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps08p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps09p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps10.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps10p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps12.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps12p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps13.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps14.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps15.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps16.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps17.sfs

@sfs MOUNT up_maps01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_maps02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_maps03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_maps04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_maps05.sfs

@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT updbw_mapex_08.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_09.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_10.sfs

@sfs MOUNT up_textures01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_textures02.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_tex_07.sfs

@sfs MOUNT up_objects01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_objects02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_objects03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT up_objects04.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_objects_07.sfs

@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_09.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_10.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_12.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_13.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_14.sfs
@sfs MOUNT sasup_fbdsm_15.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/sasup_fbdsm_16.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/sasup_fbdsm_17.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/sasup_fbdsm_18.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/sasup_fbdsm_19.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/sasup_fbdsm_20.sfs

@sfs MOUNT up_effects01.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_fx_07.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_09.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_10.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_3dfix_12.sfs

@sfs MOUNT fb_sound.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound06.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_sound_07.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/sasup_decals_01.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_decals_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_decals_02.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_misc_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_misc_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_misc_03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_misc_04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_misc_05.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_cod_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_maps_cntrl.sfs

@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_basic_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_DBW/dbw_cntrl_01.sfs

@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay02.sfs

#preload REGISTER
@file .preload

if you scan down to the bottom you will see
@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay02.sfs
which you need to get Clay's 190 pack to load from SFS files, this is missing in some TFM #1 packages.

The jsgme is the easiest way to do it, but it takes a good bit of time to get it installed.  If you understand the il2 root and sub folder construction the direct dump method is the quickest way to go.
But what ever you do, once you load a section start the game and make sure it loads, and you got the content listed in the documentation folder of the pack.  Once it's up and running with all 20 packs installed, with just the TFM in it make a back up of it and one of the Vanilla #DBW folder, cause if yer like me you'll need it.

As to the MapMods, I'm pretty sure anything you have is in the TFM...... if not they are easy to load...... I took my The Full Monty mapmods folder and dumped into my Totally Freakin Mikey's version of TFM and it works right out of the starting gate.  If you want to use your Mapmods folder just put a dash (-) in front of the TFM version and use yours. 

Remember load one folder, make sure you installed the patches and then start the game, make sure it works, and load the next one.  I also turned off my anti-virus... took half the time it did with it on...... which means I did it more than once........ hence the advice to back up the good copy....... ;D



When you say what you said about the patches, I notice there are Part 2's for Monty 11, 12, and 13.  Do you just unzip them (the patches) into the Monty 11 12 and 13 folders?  I use 7 zip if that makes a difference.  And I guess the same question applies to the patch for Monty 01.  Does it just get unzipped into the Monty 01 folder?  For my feeble mind, that just sounds too simple.  I said I wouldn't be back, but here I am.  Thanks, and Hoss, it is apparent you went to an awful lot of trouble sending me those screenshots of your game stuff.  Thanks a lot.  I wish I knew how to do that, but I don't think my keyboard has the proper keys.  I really appreciate the help.


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #772 on: February 03, 2013, 06:23:55 PM »

Unzip Monty#1 into a folder ie: jsgme and then unzip Monty#1 patch into the same folder and when it asks to overwrite say yes, but you have to remember the Clay 190 sfs files need to go in the il2 root folder if you do the direct method into the game and #DBW folder, that's why I said you need to look at them before you place them in game, getting used to the file structure. There's one structure for jsgme and a different one for building it directly yourself by overwriting to the root folder

Good luck

Code: [Select]
And last but not least here is something for the ATI fan boys, remember this is originally for 2048....

***Make sure you have the latest ATI driver. http://support.amd.com/US/GPUDOWNLOAD/WINDOWS/Pages/downloads.aspx

Copy and paste your old config.ini somewhere or write down changes you are making to both NVidia Control panel and config.ini just in case you need to look at what your settings were before.

Get a atioglxx.dll:

Downloading dll's from unverified sources is never a good idea. The procedure is very simple:

1. Browse to http://support.amd.com/US/GPUDOWNLOAD/WINDOWS/Pages/downloads.aspx and select your operating system. On the right there is a small menu containing a link to previous drivers.
2. Download the driver of your choice. For me, the 11.6 and 11.8 give playable (low fps) results, and earlier versions than 11.6 wont launch.
3. The driver comes as an autoextracter. Let the files extract and then cancel the install program when this comes up.
4. Browse to the folder where you extracted the files. The default location is c:/ATI/support or c:/AMD.
5. The driver can be found in a subfolder of the driver folder, usually something like c:/ATI/support/amd-catalyst-11-6-yada-yada-whatever/Packages/Drivers/Display/W7_INF/Bxxxxxx/
6. In this folder you will find a file called atioglxx.dl_, which is a compressed dll. It can be unpacked using 7zip, giving you the atioglxx.dll.
7. Put the atioglxx.dll in your Main IL-2 1946 folder right in the main folder where config.ini is.

7zip can be found here: http://www.7-zip.org/


Seeing complete file names:

First of all, to see "all" file extensions you need to enable it. If you do not you will only
see "Config" not Config.ini"

Here is how to change File Types:

Click "Start" button at lower left of your Taskbar.
Then, "Control Panel".
Then, "Folder Options".
Then, Click "View" tab.
Then, Under "Advanced settings" scroll to see "Hide extensions for known file types" and UNCHECK it.
Then, hit "Apply" in the lower right corner of that screen.
Your done.


Caytalist Control Center or CCC settings:
AA: override app. 2x, samples 2x filter: box
AF: override app. per pixel sample 2x
Catalyst AI: disabled <<<<<<<<<Mipmap: performance
V-sync off <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Some cards like this turned on, check it out.
OpenGL: triple buffering enabled


Below is config.ini [Render_OpenGL] section of the config.ini you need to change. AGAIN, THIS IS
ONLY FOR ATI CARDS!! Nvidia cards will be posted on another thread.

Start here with this one. If you have major issues try the second setup. You can use

Water=1 crap,2 ok,or 3 best: Water=4 is not supported by ATI cards

Both of these configs are set to water=2, try 2 then see how 3 plays.

Make sure you put in:

Open GL=atioglxx.dll

This directs OpenGL to use atioglxx.dll which you just put into your main IL-2 folder.



Open GL=atioglxx.dll








I found the post from my squad mate that addresses the ATI setup that's a bit more current.

ol' Navy

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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #773 on: February 04, 2013, 12:46:17 PM »

Unzip Monty#1 into a folder ie: jsgme and then unzip Monty#1 patch into the same folder and when it asks to overwrite say yes, but you have to remember the Clay 190 sfs files need to go in the il2 root folder if you do the direct method into the game and #DBW folder, that's why I said you need to look at them before you place them in game, getting used to the file structure. There's one structure for jsgme and a different one for building it directly yourself by overwriting to the root folder

Good luck

Code: [Select]
And last but not least here is something for the ATI fan boys, remember this is originally for 2048....

***Make sure you have the latest ATI driver. http://support.amd.com/US/GPUDOWNLOAD/WINDOWS/Pages/downloads.aspx

Copy and paste your old config.ini somewhere or write down changes you are making to both NVidia Control panel and config.ini just in case you need to look at what your settings were before.

Get a atioglxx.dll:

Downloading dll's from unverified sources is never a good idea. The procedure is very simple:

1. Browse to http://support.amd.com/US/GPUDOWNLOAD/WINDOWS/Pages/downloads.aspx and select your operating system. On the right there is a small menu containing a link to previous drivers.
2. Download the driver of your choice. For me, the 11.6 and 11.8 give playable (low fps) results, and earlier versions than 11.6 wont launch.
3. The driver comes as an autoextracter. Let the files extract and then cancel the install program when this comes up.
4. Browse to the folder where you extracted the files. The default location is c:/ATI/support or c:/AMD.
5. The driver can be found in a subfolder of the driver folder, usually something like c:/ATI/support/amd-catalyst-11-6-yada-yada-whatever/Packages/Drivers/Display/W7_INF/Bxxxxxx/
6. In this folder you will find a file called atioglxx.dl_, which is a compressed dll. It can be unpacked using 7zip, giving you the atioglxx.dll.
7. Put the atioglxx.dll in your Main IL-2 1946 folder right in the main folder where config.ini is.

7zip can be found here: http://www.7-zip.org/


Seeing complete file names:

First of all, to see "all" file extensions you need to enable it. If you do not you will only
see "Config" not Config.ini"

Here is how to change File Types:

Click "Start" button at lower left of your Taskbar.
Then, "Control Panel".
Then, "Folder Options".
Then, Click "View" tab.
Then, Under "Advanced settings" scroll to see "Hide extensions for known file types" and UNCHECK it.
Then, hit "Apply" in the lower right corner of that screen.
Your done.


Caytalist Control Center or CCC settings:
AA: override app. 2x, samples 2x filter: box
AF: override app. per pixel sample 2x
Catalyst AI: disabled <<<<<<<<<Mipmap: performance
V-sync off <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Some cards like this turned on, check it out.
OpenGL: triple buffering enabled


Below is config.ini [Render_OpenGL] section of the config.ini you need to change. AGAIN, THIS IS
ONLY FOR ATI CARDS!! Nvidia cards will be posted on another thread.

Start here with this one. If you have major issues try the second setup. You can use

Water=1 crap,2 ok,or 3 best: Water=4 is not supported by ATI cards

Both of these configs are set to water=2, try 2 then see how 3 plays.

Make sure you put in:

Open GL=atioglxx.dll

This directs OpenGL to use atioglxx.dll which you just put into your main IL-2 folder.



Open GL=atioglxx.dll








I found the post from my squad mate that addresses the ATI setup that's a bit more current.

It's me again.  Now I bet you are sorry you helped me in the first place.  I activated parts 1 thru 10, started up the game each time to make sure it would load and it did.  But when I did the same for Part 11, it kicked me out at 70%.  What I had done was as you told me.  I unzipped the Monty 11 into the JSGME folder in my game, then I did the same for the Monty 11 Pt 2.  I went back to the original post and it said, among other things, that the issues in Monty 11 thru 13 wouldn't be issues any more with Monty 14.  At least I think that is what I read.  Does it mean that I should go ahead and activate Monty 11 thru 13, and then Monty 14, and maybe I wouldn't get kicked out at 70%.  Lordy!  Any advice, again and as usual, is really appreciated.


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #774 on: February 04, 2013, 06:29:33 PM »

Go ahead and load it to #14 and see what happens, if it does not work I will send you my STD folder from Monty 11pt 2  and it should work, 70% crash is usually something in the STD file that's wrong. 

it it still does not work, unload Monty 14, 13, 12, but don't forget to put parts 2 into 12 and 13...

Good luck



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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #775 on: February 04, 2013, 08:57:57 PM »

Nice setup if you don't worry about your hard drive space. Those who lack it (like me) should pay closer attention to the freakin' awesome TotalModder that let's you keep all installations in one folder and switch between them in an instant. Crash, just browse this site to get more info.


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #776 on: February 05, 2013, 09:34:11 AM »

Well Monty what do you have up your sleeve been kinda quiet lately.

ol' Navy

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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #777 on: February 05, 2013, 12:09:26 PM »

Go ahead and load it to #14 and see what happens, if it does not work I will send you my STD folder from Monty 11pt 2  and it should work, 70% crash is usually something in the STD file that's wrong. 

it it still does not work, unload Monty 14, 13, 12, but don't forget to put parts 2 into 12 and 13...

Good luck


OK, I did it and now it works.  I just couldn't believe I was understanding what I had read.  I am always really afraid I will screw something up and not be able to fix it, so that is why I ask.  Thank you very very much for your help and having the patience to provide it.  I have said before, you guys here really are super when it comes to providing assistance to us who are really not very smart (and old).


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #778 on: February 05, 2013, 02:24:01 PM »

Ok, stupid question so dont hit me. These things are not included in DBW 1.7. So I just have to dl the pack, remove some of the planes which I add allready, and it will work ?


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #779 on: February 05, 2013, 02:58:19 PM »

What things ??????
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