good news! let's hope things go smoothly from here on out.
just to try and clarify things, Bonez - none of us here paid professionals in any way, far as gaming is concerned.
we are just fans of this sim, who grouped together to help each other to enjoy the mods.
most who have spoken to you in this thread, are senior members of SAS and UP, so you are in good hands.
sometimes we get it wrong - such as when i wrongly advised the size.
if you read a few posts earlier, it'll be apparent that i am also only now in the process of d/l'ing these same files, so in that respect, we're on an even keel.
a few months offline, and i found myself playing catch-up for some time now, due to the high amount of mods coming through the door.
as editor and co-founder of this site, i love to help where i can, but am also not above making a mistake here and there - lol, my game was recently so buggered, i had to start over, cause i couldn't find the cause.
word of advice - always, always make backups before modding any files.
it is critical for this sim, more so than any other, as this game was never intended or designed for mods.
we literally hacked our way into the game to mod it. aaargh, me hearties!

there are many guys here whose technical knowledge far exceeds mine, and they will provide such assistance if needed.
others, such as myself, focus more on the day to day running of the forums, and together, we manage to keep things on a relatively even keel.
like you, i have been 'playing' with computers since the early days - i remember the ol' Spectrum fondly, lol.
in fact, the average age of players here is more senior than most other 'games' - let's just call it 'middle-aged', to keep from upsetting anyone, lol.
anyway, i'm starting to babble, not particularly fond of too much typing, especially at 5:30 am

good luck with TFM, and many happy flying hours to you!