I hate to be a naysayer here, and I definitely don't want to incur the wrath of any of the very hardworking people who create these wonderful mods, but I have downloaded the 1st part three times. The first through speedyshare and twice through torrents, but my game will not fly with part one enabled. It flies fine with either UP or DBW vanilla.
Is it at all possible that some of us who have downloaded and used many other mods are not hallucinating when we cannot get this to work? I just tried it again with a new download of part one, I restarted my computer after enabling it, and still it crashed at 5%. I would be grateful if someone wiser than me, could actually pursue this. Am I alone in not getting past that percentage? If so, I will beg your pardon and surrender, but I suspect that I am not the only one struggling. And I would be so grateful for any assistance.
I don't regard you as a naysayer. Assuming your rig is OK and you actually ran DBW using the replacement #DBW that I took from my own VANILLA Install (and NOT simply over-writing the old one), then yes it does all work fine with just the first pack enabled.
Your problem, if I may say so, is more one of attitude. Indeed you are not hallucinating, neither are the majority for whom TFM is working just fine.
You have an error which is located in your initial DBW setup, despite your best efforts and those of others to help. That is where you will find the obstacle, once you start focusing on the right place to look for it.
Learn to locate and read your log file, it sits in the main directory after a ctd. Read it, maybe even post it here.
I understand your frustration and I am not asking for un-earned credibility: If you can talk to me on Skype at the weekend (pm for details please) and can answer a few questions and compare setups, using the principles already described here, I can fix your DBW in around 30 minutes, then we will know what it was and can move forward.