Your best bet is to check out and ask in the UV3 thread.
Guys I think a lot of the problems that are being had here are due to the inherently long times it takes to DL and then load via jsgme packs like this.
It makes adding/removing a long drawn out pain.
And JSGME is not perfect, it does make mistakes although it is RARE and 90% of the time USER ERROR.
With a pack this size, you really really need to look at using the Total Modder.
Whats more, trouble shooting is a thousand times easier, which will make it easier for poor old monty!
So if you say that you did everything, DL'd the packs, checked the DL size, removed your old DBW folder, replaced it with the Clean DBW folder provided by Monty, and then added and tested each FM part but still get no joy, start over.
Read the Total Modder thread. Then when you are utterly confused DL it and read the PDF readme, do what it says and then try adding the FM.
You don't think its worth it? Ok Ill put it like this, I can switch from a clean unmodded DBW to the complete Full Monty in less than 10 SECONDS. How long does it take JSGME to load the full thing?
Oh and the noticeable performance increase, oh and the ease of trouble shooting...just trust me its worth it.