Sorry Simon for this different TFM Loading Structure. Its my way of Bypassing JSGME Activation Method which is very time consuming.
Thorst, good Buddy, and any one else. All you have to do to make this work is: Once all Folders are downloaded "Into its own Folder on your Desktop" UnZip each folder one at a time into a "New Folder" inside the one you directed all the downloaded ones. Add relevant Patched Folders to where they need to go. Then from each Folder copy/Paste the #DBW folder to your Root Folder, and if you wish to have the .TXT file add it after the #DBW folder finishes loading. Also to not keep clutter in/on your machine, you can Drag and Drop. But if you do you will loose that downloaded Data Base and have to UnZip every thing all over if you fuck up this my/this Install Procedure. Do at your own Risk, Its as Simple as this:
#DBW_MONTY-01/Copy-paste: #DBW to IL2 Root Folder
Copy-Paste: #DBW_MONTY-01.TXT to Root Folder, (optional)
Copy to Root folder fb410_clay01.sfs
Copy to Root Folder fb410_clay02.sfs
Do this to each and every Folder untill all 20 Folders are installed to your Root Folder or JSGME MODS Folder
Every #DBW from 1 - 20 will over write the previouse one which is how the Folder Structure is created.
If you follow this instruction you will have a perfect running TFM.
I have a heavily Modded TFM with many Monty Missions that all work and Iv never encountered not one CTD. "IT CAN BE DONE"